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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Kikyo, Wandering Soul
Once per turn when KIKYO is
attacked and does not have an attached item, search
your discard pile for an item and attach it to KIKYO.
Type - character
Card Number - 67
Card Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.04.06 |

Kikyo, Wandering Soul
By now, I'm in Baltimore. If you're reading this,
then you either aren't coming or you found someplace
in town with WiFi. If it is the latter, I'm
currently trailing your signal to find WiFi in the
area. :)
Wandering Soul found its way into some Top 8 decks a
little ways back. You should be able to see why. If
Kikyo doesn't have an item attached when she's
attacked, you can attach one from the discard. Now,
her ability is only as useful as you make it. Sure,
you can try splashing her in maybe priestesses to
grab back a powerful item (Shikon Jewel, Nearly
Completed), but that's not where her true power
lies. She gains back items if not attached ... think
about this really hard. If say you ran Spirit Sutra
in your deck and you're playing against demons. When
they attack, you can grab the Sutra and use it by
sacrificing it. Next turn, they could attack again.
Grab the Sutra and sacrifice it. See where I'm
going? This is where I believe her true power lies.
If she could survive the attack, give her Medic Kit.
Rating: 4/5
Well, good luck to all players this weekend and
hopefully I'll see you at the party.~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
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