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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from Score

She's Just Saying That

Return 7 characters you control to their owners' hands to play SHE'S JUST SAYING THAT. Your opponent discards X cards from the top of his deck. X = the printed deck cost of the returned characters. (*) Limit one copy per deck.

Type - event
Card Number - 118

Card Rating:  3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 08.09.06


Matthew Low
Title: She's Just Saying That
Card Number: 118
Expansion: Shimei
Rarity: Ultra Rare
Card Type: Event
Deck Cost: 5
Game Text: Return 7 characters you control to their owners' hands to play SHE'S JUST SAYING THAT. Your opponent discards X cards from the top of his deck. X = the printed deck cost of the returned characters. Limit 1 per deck.

This card is a win condition, but luckily it's limit 1 per deck. Easily splashable in many forms of Kagura Mains, this card can mill off 30 or so cards in one scoop. Kagura Mains and variants of Band of Seven all run high cost characters, leading to a quick victory.

The problem with this card is that you'd need to play it as an action, and it is limit 1 per deck and isn't searchable by any direct means, making it unreliable. Either way, if you find yourself with a deck that consistently gets 7 decently high costing characters out, you have a made. You could always try out those characters that play other ones for a quick style version...

I wouldn't build a deck around this card, but it can be a great alternate victory in the correct deck. Inuyasha's Father anyone?

3.1 out of 5.0



She's Just Saying That

Well, back from Otakon. I will be posting an article w/ pictures on the Inuyasha Appreciation Events, my thoughts and my impressions.

Now, for today's card. This card has a 'first glance deck type' i.e.:
you'll immediately think of a deck type for it that may not be best.
Obviously, you'd like to try and deck out your opponent or clear out a large portion of their deck with SJST. Now, I'll speed up your thinking processes of how to use the card effectively as I'm sure a lot of people will come to a similar conclusion.

The requirement for the card is to return 7 characters you control to the owner's hand. That's a big order, so you will initially will think "This is a great card for swarming-type decks" which isn't necessarily wrong.
Getting out 7 characters
shouldn't be too difficult for the right deck. However, there are two big parts of this card: Cost and Effectiveness.

Swarm will cover the cost, but is the card effective if you bounce 7 0-1 cost creatures? Not really. So what about sending lots of larger cost creatures? Well, by the time you may get 7 out (which can be difficult), you may deck yourself out. So how do you use this card? Read it carefully..."The characters' printed value." Printed! Meaning if you play a deck that lowers characters' costs and bounce them, you go by the value on the cost. So, this card should be in a deck centered around decreasing costs. That's really all

Rating: 2/5

Former UMaine Animation Club President
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