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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Playing With Toys
Search your discard pile for 2
items and put them in your hand. (*) LImit 2 copies
per deck.
Type - event
Card Number - 103
Card Rating: 2.2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.11.06 |

Matthew Low |
Title: Playing With Toys
Card Number: 103
Expansion: Shimei
Rarity: Rare
Card Type: Event
Deck Cost: 2
Limit Per Deck: 2
Game Text: Search your discard pile for 2 items and
put them in your hand. Limit 2 copies per deck.
I don't really like this card much because it
requires an action, and many decks that use items
already have good ways to get them. Slayers have
Armory of the Slayers, Priest/Priestess have built
in searching, Three's Company has I'm Honored, and
Bandits have Gatenmaru. It's also not every
I'd personally run Goodies and Cover Up over this.
Perhaps we'll find a reason to Koga for this in the
future, but right now I can't see it cutting it.
Items are also currently the weakest card type in
the game, which makes this a sad card at best.
1.9 out of 5.0

Playing with Toys
One of those very straight forward cards. If you run
lots of items or your deck depends on items, this
may be a card to try out. Aside from that, no other
real reason. This is a straight forward card with no
real tricks to it
Rating: 3/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam

War_Broly |
Playing With Toys.
Simple, for a cost of 2 search your discard pile for
2 items and put them in
your hand. Not bad, but I don`t see this getting
much play outside of item heavy decks, like Slayers
or Bandits. Try it out if you have a couple items
you really like to have out, otherwise, just look at
the cute picture.
Casual:3/5(unexperienced players usually play a
bunch of items) Tournament:2/5(add maybe .5-1 if in
an item heavy deck, subtract 1 if no
Art:3/5 cute