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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from
Score |
You Are Defeated
Kill all defeated characters.
(*) Limit one copy per deck.
Type - event
Card Number - P4
Card Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 08.15.06 |

Matthew Low |
Are Defeated
Deck Cost 3
Kill all defeated characters. Limit 1 per deck.
Wow this card is good. Worth buying Movie 4 by
This card eats the field. Character advantage is one
of the most important things in the game. If you
ever find yourself with the ability to nuke more
characters of your opponents and lose less of yours,
in normal circumstances, you take it. This card can
be extremely lethal in the right decks. Say you
defeat one character, block the next attack, defeat
another, and then find your opponent's field cleared
at the end of the turn while you've lost one guy.
You Are Defeated = win condition. No saving, and
your opponent will have to start building from
scratch while you have your army. Not to mention the
major deck cost hit it'll do. Say bye to Kagura.
It works really well turn 1 if you manage to take
out both of their guys. Decks like Three's Company,
Wolves, Spawn... things that can swing twice can
abuse this to no end. Sure it can be a dead draw at
times, but for many decks, it can give a huge boost.
Run this card if you find yourself beating your
opponent's field clear more often than not. This
card wins games.

Kirk Davis |
Are Defeated
I would like to take a moment once again to thank
those people who put on a great show as well as
those who attended the Otakon events. I posted a
short summary (including a good number of pictures)
from attending the event...and winning nothing in
the raffle *grumble grumble*
Now, on with today's card. A new promo that I just
heard of a few moments ago. A high cost event to
kill all defeated characters. This...could be
abusive. Very...very...abusive. A deck full of
character-savers (Battered, Bruised and Bloody) and
protectors (Hojo) with this waiting in the
yeah. Even worse, Miroku, Flattering Monk played
against swarm followed by You Are Defeated...
...yeah. That feels good.
Rating: 4/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
Savage |