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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Shard of the Jewel of Four Souls
Play this card into your jewel
shard pile faceup. Take 1 facedown card in your
jewel shard pile and put it in your hand.
Type - item
Card Number - 266
Card Rating: 2.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 02.13.06 |
Goggleboy |
Shard of the Jewel of Four Souls
Ah. The first promo for tournaments. I think
everyone has tried running this card in their deck(s)
at least once. Though, it has lost a lot of it punch
due to its massive change from item to event.
So, we can exchange this card for any card in my
shard pile, though I can't look at them when I pick.
I ran this in my first deck for a little while and
didn't see the harm in it. If I had to switch my
opening hand with my shard pile, I usually put the
card I'd want if I got Shard on the bottom of the
pile. As an item, it was a pretty ok deal. You'd do
it during your build and be given at least one new
option. This was much more helpful if you knew for
some reason what was in your pile and where. Now, it
has been changed to an event and, while technically
it works the same, it does have the immediate effect
that was liked about it originally.
2/5 Nothing bad. Could be game winning, but probably
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"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
J. Wyatt |
Shard from the Jewel of Four Souls. First of all,
this card is now an event, not an item, and it is
placed into the shard pile face down instead of face
up now. This card can be nice to possibly pull a
good card from your shard pile, and it isn't limited
so you can run five, and it only costs
1. So it will most likely replace itself with a card
that might help you.
However, in my opinion, it would just be better to
use a needed card in your
deck instead of this. Because while this may replace
itself with something useful, why not start with
something useful in the first place. Though in
conjunction with Miroku, Legends, this might might
be good for grabbing a specific card, although just
running that Miroku might be better.
+Replaces itself with a possibly good card from your
+Only costs 1
+Not limited
-Takes an action
-Might not grab anything useful
-Could just be replaced with a card you need to fit
in -Is placed face down, so you might forget which
one it is and use another one, only to grab it
I say just collect it and use a card that you need
in your deck, instead of this which may or may not
be dead weight, since it depends on luck which cards
are in your shards.
Art:3/5 looks cool