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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day
Ryukotsusei, Demon Awakened
All Good characters in play
gain -2 to all colors. (*) Discard RYUKOTSUSEI while
you control any Good characters.
Type - Character
Card Number - 86
Card Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.04.06 |
Ryu Juini |
Ryukotsusei, Demon Awakened
Meh. 4 for those colors is a bit much (think Shippo),
but Ryukotsusei has a devastating effect agaisnt
many decks (Examples are Chibi, Inuyasha and
Company, Priest/Priestess, and Slayers)
-2 to all Good characters? Geeze. Ofcourse
Ryukotsusei doesn't work with Good Characters, but
that's kind of a given either way. Ryukotsusei, in
this aspect, is a power house. Alas, with that low
Green color, he'll be sniped down by characters with
a naturally high green, but that's a rare color.
Chibi's will run him down no problem either way, and
Slayers are just going to laugh at ALL of his colors
and wipe him out.
Thus, compared, Ryukotsusei's not bad, but not
Casual: 4/5 - You see a lot of Inuyasha and Company
ran here. Sadly, agaisnt a Demon Deck, or Three's
Company (Besides Rin), Ryukotsusei's useless.
Tournament: 2/5 - He'll weaken many decks, but die
Art: 5/5 - Wow. That's awesome.