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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day
Game Over
Play when your opponent would
win the game by shard victory. Your opponent doesn't
win. Put 2 characters from your discard pile into
play. Recheck the victory conditions at the end of
the turn. Limit 1 copy per deck.
Type - Event
Card Number - 103
Card Rating: 3.10
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.09.06 |
Ryu Juini |
Game Over
This card seems to be popular, and then not so,
lately. You basically get to whip out two characters
(or good items, or events, etc.) if your opponent is
about to stomp you by shard victory. Basically,
this'll give you a chance to take back a shard or
two to prevent your loss.
This card isn't bad, but you really shouldn't rely
on one card to pull you out of it. Your deck should
have a flowing synergy to make sure you stomp the
opponent, not the other way around.
It's not bad, though. Give it a slot if you want.
Casual: 3/5
Tournament: 2/5
Art: 1/5 - Geh....
GoggleBoy |
COTD: Gone Fishing
Here is a card that I really think will be seeing
more and more play as more people discover it.
Expend someone to draw any card from the top five,
but also arrange the remaining cards. How could
someone not like that?
“But I don’t want to expend a character”…ok. Valid
argument if you had to play this event as an action.
However, you don’t. You play during setup. Priests
can search for their location or their 5th priest,
Dog Leader can search for their other character
(same with Three’s Company and School Girls), find a
needed Halt!, or plan out your discards. This would
also work late in swarm decks, though I’m not sure
what they’d be looking for.
So, expending a character in order to get searching
card draw and deck stacking. Sounds good to me. This
looks more like a non-priority turn card too. Seeing
what you opponent has ready to go, you can
methodically choose who to expend.
Rating: 4.1/5 It isn’t perfect for all decks, but my
word is it good
“I went out fishin’. Caught a Midoriko. Can I keep
it?” |