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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day
Tetsusaiga, Red and Tetsusaiga,
Tetsusaiga, Red: This
character gains +1 to all colors. If attached to
INUYASHA, he gains +3 instead. and when he defeats a
character you may search your deck or discard pile
for a copy of THE WIND SCAR or BACKLASH WAVE and put
it in your hand. Your opponent’s effects cannot keep
this character from attacking.
Tetsusaiga, Transformed: This character gains
+2 to all colors. If attached to INUYAHSA, he gains
+3 instead.
Type - item
Card Number - 113, 263
Card Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.16.06 |
Ryu Juini |
Tetsusaiga, Red and Tetsusaiga, Transform
Hey everyone! Welcome to Legendary Swords week! This
is my week of picks and for monday, I give you a two
for one! These cards are quite powerful, and are
quite the same in their secondary effect for
boostings, so they deserved the first (two) look at!
Tetsusaiga, Transformed is basic. Unique Item with a
good cost for it's power. +2 to all colors, +3 to
Inuyasha's colors if he has it in his wield.
Simply put, that's awesome. +3 is the most you can
get in the game from a single card that lasts. The
+2 to anyone else is also great, as it's a second
Shikon Jewel - Half Completed and Shikon Jewel,
Nearly Completed.
Now, let's look at it's counterpart.
Tetsusaiga, Red is more advanced. +1 to all colors,
+3 to all colors if Inuyasha is using it. Also, his
attacks cannot be stopped by your opponents effects
by ANY means.
Another bonus is that if Inuyasha defeats a
character, you may get "The Wind Scar, "Wind Scar,
Inuyasha's Weapon", or "Backlash Wave".
Now, let's compare. Tetsusaiga, Transformed gives
other characters a good +2, and Inuyasha +3.
Tetsusaiga, Red gives everyone else a +1 (Crap), and
+3 to Inuyasha, as well as making whomever has it
equipped unblockable, and be able to get two good
cards (we don't know what Backlash Wave does yet,
until then I will not apply it in the rating.).
Basically, if you just want another item, use
Tetsusaiga, Transformed if you are NOT using
Inuyasha. If you DO have Inuyasha, Tetsusaiga, Red
is superior.
Tetsusaiga, Transformed-
Casual (Without Inuyasha) - 4/5
Tournament (Without Inuyasha) 4/5
Casual (With Inuyasha) - 5/5
Tournament (With Inuyasha) - 5/5
Art- 3/5
Tetsusaiga, Red
Casual (Without Inuyasha) - 3/5
Tournament (Without Inuyasha) 2/5
Casual (With Inuyasha) - 5/5
Tournament (With Inuyasha) - 5/5
Final Result - Casual Means Nothing. If you are
using Inuyasha, he comes a GOD with Tetsusaiga, Red.
Tetsusaiga, Transformed is just a Shikon Jewel of
either type without the effect of Shikon Jewel -
Nearly Completed. Nothing wrong with having another
one, but being an ULTRA RARE, it may not be worth
it. You have NO reason to use Tetsusaiga,
Transformed without Inuyasha because you CAN just
use the jewels.
Tetsusaiga, Transformed without Inuyasha >
Tetsusaiga, Red without Inuyasha
Tetsusaiga, Red with Inuyasha > Tetsusaiga,
Transformed with Inuyasha
Kirk Davis |
Tetsusaiga (Transformed & Red)
I guess I’ll be reviewing some of Ryu’s card picks.
Though, something’s missing…weren’t there three
tetsusaigas?...ah well. Only these two matter
Now, in general, both these cards work quite well on
their own. Both of them are fair costing beatsticks.
Nothing really special, and in today’s game as
oppose to last year’s, Transformed is no longer THE
beatstick item since the Shikon Jewels began their
run. So, the Tetsusaigas are not the best choice for
most decks.
Keep in mind, those thoughts are for most decks. The
Tetsusaigas do not truly shine until they are put
into the hands of our main male antagonist of the
series. Inuyasha gets additional boosts from both of
the tetsusaigas because he’s…well…HIM! Red
Tetsusaiga completely abuses though. +3 on top of
devastating card search. That’s just…BA-DAMN! It is
especially mean in a well-built Dog Leader deck. Do
it right and you can figure out a way to win on turn
one. I’ve seen it…and it is a very, very mean thing.
All decks in general: 2/5 (Not bad, but not your
best choice by far)
Decks running 6 or more Inuyasha: 4.5/5
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