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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from Score

Inuyasha, Quick to Attack

When a different INUYASHA you control attacks with a color that matches this INUYASHA, you may switch this INUYUASHA from your hand with the one you control to remove the attacked character from the game. Discard any attached cards on the former INUYASHA.

Type - character
Card Number - 116

Card Rating: 3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 07.06.06

J. Wyatt Inuyasha, Quick to Attack

Very interesting, and I have a question or two about it. I would assume the switching part means the former Inuyasha would go to your hand, otherwise it would be discarded due to the unique rule, but if so this Inuyasha would not need the effect of discarding cards on the former Inuyasha. But I would think that if it was returned it would discard them anyway. Sigh. Anyway, if you can use this right, this could be a real pain to your opponent, since this would completely take away one opponent`s character, by removing it from the game, regardless if the attacked character had higher colors or not. However, this will take skill to use well, since it should really only be used when you really need to.

Tournament:3.5/5(Must be in an Inuyasha heavy deck with Inuyashas that share most colors)
Art:2/5meh. I`m not impressed.

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