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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from
Score |
Kagome, School Girl
(Power UP: Search your deck
for an INUYASHA and put him in your hand.) (*) When
KAGOME defeats a character, you may draw 2 cards.
(*) KAGOME cannot be attacked while you control
Type - character
Card Number - DB2
Card Rating: 3.65
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 07.14.06 |

Kagome, School Girl
It says school girl...but she isn't Modern? *pout*
Oh well. Kagome, like Inuyasha, Half Demon, belongs
in a Team Inuyasha deck. Her power up searchs for
said demon and puts him in your hand which I see as
quite useful. Now, her other ability is fantastic.
When she defeats anyone, draw 2 cards. This will
make her an obvious target, except you searched for
Inuyasha and, alas, you can't attack Kagome while
Inuyasha is in play. Even as a stand alone
character, she's good, stable and helpful...I just
wish she was Modern.
Rating: 3.5/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
Savage |

War_Broly |
Kagome, School Girl.
Not bad, the power up will either get an Inuyasha if
you don`t have one out already(unlikely), grab one
to use to save(likely), or one to power up
with(medium chances). Either way not bad. Decent
colors, and when she defeats a character you may
draw 2 cards. Excellent, note the "may", since if
you are low on cards in deck you might not want to
draw, so you don`t have to and risk deckout, while
if you do want to draw them, it is 2 which is pretty
good. Plus she protects herself if Inuyasha is out,
works well with the previous COTD, Inuyasha, Half
Demon, since he doesn`t protect her.
Tournament:4.1/5(Good deck with Inuyasha)
Art:3.8/5 Like I said before, cool layout.