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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Miroku, Flattering Monk
When played while your
opponent controls 3 or more copies of the same
character, expend all copies of that character.
Type - character
Card Number - 94
Card Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 06.09.06 |

Miroku, Flattering Monk
YAY! New Miroku! Ok. Got that out of that way. Let's
take a look at what we have here.
Well, stable colors, though the red is a little out
of place for priests I think. Too many high reds
amongst demons, especially Inuyasha. However, it is
almost always the effect that makes the card. If
your opponent has a swarm deck, Miroku can sink that
ship real quick. A bunch of Naraku Insects? Exhaust
them all.
Look at all those Wolves...and watch them all
Now, hopefully most of you see what I see. Superb
priest sidedeck material.
This Miroku is all but useless unless you're facing
a swarming deck such as non-unique demon or clay
warrior. Against those decks, he's a golden boy.
Rating: 2/5
Rating for Sidedecks: 4/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
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