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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day
Naraku, Puppet
Card Rating: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 03.10.06 |
Goggleboy |
Naraku, Puppet Master
Maybe I'm just really bad at finding these cards,
but I could not find an actual picture of this card
nor do I have an idea what set it's in. That aside,
I'll review it as I see it.
Pretty fair and stable stats. Nothing out of the
ordinary. When he comes into play, you grab 2 demons
in your discard and put them in your hand. You can
use this for however you see fit (replay a character
or used in recovery later on). Also, while this
Naraku is in play, your opponent can't expend your
Expending opponent's monster I've never really seen
as a major threat.
Things that defeat or kill usually are priority one.
I can't really say this card is good, just nothing
2/5 You can run better~GoggleBoy
Animation Club President
Upper Deck Demo Team Leader
Yu-Gi-Oh Level 1 Judge & Tournament Organizer
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
Savage |
Joel Seagren |
Naraku, Puppet Master.
I'm going on a foreign exchange program to Japan
Tuesday, so Monday will likely be my last card
Anyway, on to the card at hand. For those of you who
don't know about this card, it was the unknown promo
given out at the Day of Champions last Sunday. This
thing is freaking awesome, we all know that Kikyo
Legends is great right? Well this grabs 2
characters, as long as you don't already have them
out. Combining this with Making Plans makes for a
strong Demon deck. Added to the effect of not
letting your opponent expend your Demons with card
effects, and you almost guarantee a win against
Three's Company. His colors are pretty good too for
a 3 deck cost.
+Grabs 2 characters from discard you don't control
Only 3 DC.
+Decent Colors.
+Shuts down 3's Company.
Can't grab another Naraku or other character you
already have out.
Art:4/5 I just like it for some reason.