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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from Score

Koga, Speed Demon


When KOGA steals a shard, you may play an event.

Type - character
Card Number - 46

Card Rating:  2.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 05.04.06

Goggleboy Koga, Speed Demon

There are two decks I hate to play against. Dog Leader and Wolves. The few players we have left around here got one of my bosses to play InuYasha and built him a really good Wolf deck. Wouldn't you know it? He beat me the first time I played him. Well, Royakan, 2 Kogas and 2 Wolf in Mouths was a good opening hand for him though.

ANYWAY, here we have a 4 cost Koga with good stats and any effect that gives you a free event play when he steals a shard. Getting in those event with losing speed (get it? "Speed Demon"? Ha!) can be an incredibly important part of a deck. So, how can he be bad? Read his title. Go on. I'll wait 5 seconds.
Anything missing? Did you see the word "Wolf" or "Wolves" in his title?
No, you didn't. That's never really a good thing in a wolf deck, ya know?
I mean, a Good character deck or Animal deck...maybe even a demon deck he'd work well in. However, people do put this one in Wolf decks...*tsk tsk*...people must read.

Rating: 2/5

UMaine Animation Club President
Upper Deck Demo Team Leader
Yu-Gi-Oh Level 1 Judge & Tournament Organizer

"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam Savage

Chibi Lil


Koga, Speed Demon

His deck cost, which is 4, is pretty high for something like this. But his colors are pretty decent for such a high casting character. His effect is simple, once he steals a shard, play an event. That's simple enough, but not only that, you could play things that you would want to disrupt your opponent such as Ready for War or other things like that. There are some combos that he could use, unfortunately, I'm fresh out at the moment...=\ Anyway, he would work well in a Wolf or Animal deck.

Casual Play: 3.5/5
Tournament Play: 2.5/5 You don't see him too much there
Wolf Deck: 3.5/5
Animal Deck: 3/5

Art: 4/5 He's kicking InuYasha in the face and I think that just shows off his speed. But why does he have to hit him...=\

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