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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from
Score |
Hachi, as Miroki
Shimei - Pojo Exclusive Preview
Your opponent may not play
Miroku. + Your Miroku gains -2 to all colors.
Card Number - 15
Card Rating: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1
being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 05.24.06 |
Goggleboy |
Hachi, as Miroku
So, we get an exclusive preview this week. The first
thing this card screams is Kaitou deck preventive
measure. If your opponents plays priests, they'll be
playing Miroku. So, playing Hachi prevents your
opponent from playing a key character.
The second measure...not sure how that really helps
anything at all. I would hope a person wouldn't just
splash in Miroku anyway though. So, for a
3 cost with some solid colors, Hachi isn't bad, but
he's merely a preventive measure. An effective
measure at that.
Rating: 2/5
As a side note: I will be working in the CCG room at
Anime Boston this weekend. Look for either 1)
Shikamaru 2) Jin or 3) Random Konoha ninja~GoggleBoy
Animation Club President
Upper Deck Demo Team Leader
Yu-Gi-Oh Level 1 Judge & Tournament Organizer
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
Chibi Lil
Hachi, as Miroku
Interesting card we have here. I still remember that
episode when Hachi posed as Miroku to get some food
and junk. Then people were angry at the real Miroku
because everything Hachi did was a fake. That was
hilarious back then...*sighs*
Anyway...back to the card itself. He has a deck cost
of 3, and the colors are pretty decent for that kind
of deck cost. The 6 blue is pretty high for
something like that, but the The effect
is also pretty...bleh. It's not that great. Sure you
get to stop your opponent from playing ANY Miroku
they have, but it's other side effect which is to
lower YOUR OWN Miroku by -2. Now, this would be a
great card against a PURE Miroku deck, but even
then, I wouldn't play it. Not one of the best
commons I've seen before.
Casual Play: 1/5
Tournament Play: 0.5/5 It's seriously that
bad...even if you are against a Miroku deck. You
still have other cards for support.
AGAINST a Miroku deck: 2.5/5
Shut out Miroku Deck: 3/5
Art: 4/5 Oh that episode. One of my
favorites. Miroku looks fat. =P |