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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Kikyo, Feudal Hero
Card Text:
When played draw a card. If you control INUYASHA,
draw 2 cards instead. (*) While you control only
Good characters, your opponent cannot use effects to
lower your colors. (*) While you control INUYASHA,
KIKYO cannot be attacked.
Type - character
Card Number - 10
Card Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.13.06 |
Balatbat |
Kikyo, Feudal Hero
Continuing our Feudal Hero's Week, we have Kikyo,
one of the very few that actually have both the
traits "Good" and "Cute." With those traits, she
could be protected by the card "My Hero." Nice,
isn't it? She has a decent deck cost for such nice,
strong colors. Her effects, like the others, rely on
you having JUST "Good" trait characters. The draw
power is nice all the time. Also, with her ability
to have your colors stable without being lowered, it
is able to stop cards like "I Didn't Say Get Naked!"
and even the Kaitou card "Brute Force." She even has
a last effect where she gets protected by InuYasha
as long as he is in the field in your control.
That's always good, right?
Casual Play: 3/5
Tournament Play: 3.5/5 I see many of these popping
up more and more...
Feudal Hero Deck: 4.5/5 It really belongs here the
Art: 4/5 She looks cute and determined to help