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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from
Score |
Miroku's Staff
Card Text:
Attach only to a Priest or Priestess that you
control. When this character attacks, its attacking
colors become their printed values +1, regardless of
other card effects.
Type - item
Card Number - 36
Card Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.15.06 |

War_Broly |
Miroku`s Staff.(Tousou subset)
Now here is an upgraded old item that I really like.
The old one wasn`t worth playing, this is great in
Priest/Priestess because it is like another Shikon
Jewel half completed(and since only a
priest/priestess can attach it), and if on Miroku,
he`ll be darn near unstoppable. The last effect
won`t really be reliable, but it is nice since there
are many powerful demons running around in
tournaments, and remember, Inuyasha, Shippo, and
Kirara are all demons. Nice to get an extra draw
when smacking an Inuyasha.
Casual:2.5/5(the restriction hurts it here, though
the card draw will help a
Tournament:3.5/5(Priest/Priestess almost
exclusively, and while I really like it, items are
still somewhat looked down on, even one this good.)
Art:3.5/5(It looks cool, wish I had one)