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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Shippo, Feudal Hero
Card Text:
When played draw a card. If you control INUYASHA,
draw 2 cards instead. (*) The deck cost of your Good
characters gains -1.
Type - character
Card Number - 5
Card Rating: 2.65
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.17.06 |
Balatbat |
Shippo, Feudal Hero
As we begin to conclude our week of Feudal Heroes,
we come across one of the weaker heroes, Shippo. His
colors are fairly decent for his deck cost. His draw
power is the same as the others. His ability is also
very weak compared to his other friends. Losing one
less deck cost is good, but only to an extent. I
feel that this card is just useless garb for decks
and could be used somewhere else. He should have
been given another effect other than just -1 deck
cost. Oh well, what can you do?
Casual Play: 2.5/5
Tournament Play: 2.5/5 Eh…I doubt you’ll see him
here, unless you have a Shippo deck or “Good” trait
decks that rely on low deck cost
Feudal Hero Deck: 2/5 Not even here…
Art: 3.5/5 He’s on his pony…haha! Pony…=P

War_Broly |
Shippo, Feudal Hero
Breaking the revamped item trend that was going on,
we look at the Shippo, Feudal Hero. Colors are a
little weak, but for a 2 cost that can be forgiven.
When played draw a card(like all Feudal Heroes), if
you control Inuyasha draw 2 instead. Card drawing is
always good(unless you`re about to deck out), and in
this deck Inuyasha is likely to be out. And, all of
your good characters gain -1 deck cost. Nice, since
that will combat the fast drawing-deckout problem
that might be a factor in Fuedal Hero decks, and
just great in any good deck.
Novice(henceforth, this category is called
novice):3/5(good, but not likely to get it`s full
usage.) Tournament:3.75/5(Good in Feudal Hero or
good decks, but might get overlooked because of
possibly more powerful effects and/or colors)
Art:3.5/5 (Cute, and the horse`s eyes are spinning)