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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Kyokotsu, Member of the Band of Seven
Card Text:
When played while you control another character with
"Band of Seven" in the title, you may expend
KYOKOTSU to discard all your opponent's locations
that he controls.
Type - character
Card Number - 49
Card Rating: 1.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.20.06 |
Balatbat |
Kyokotsu, Member of the Band of Seven
Hello everyone! Welcome to Band of Seven week. I
know we only have five days, but five out of the
seven are still good, right? Anyway, here was have a
Kyokotsu, which I find the weakest out of all of
them, other than Mukotsu. His deck cost seems to
match up with his colors, except his low green. His's eh. It's a when played effect
too, so once it's used up, you can't use it again. I
feel that there are better ones out there. Use
another one! There are 2 more you know. Oh well.
Casual Play: 2/5
Tournament Play: 1.5/5 Don't even think about it...
Band of Seven Deck: 2/5 Only place where it
Art: 2/5 Eh...I never really liked this guy anyway

War_Broly |
Kyokotsu, Member of the band of seven.
Well, we get a new Kyokotsu this set, and it is
quite similar to the one we had before, the promo
that came in the double deck deal. A four deck cost,
high, but a lot of characters these days are four
cost. His first two colors justify the big cost, the
last one however, does not, 7white, 6blue, 2green.
2GREEN! Weak. But then again, the other Kyokotsu
also had a color with a 2 value. Now, when you play
this biggie with a big weak point, if you also have
another character with band of seven in the title
you can expend Kyokotsu to discard all of your
opponent`s locations that they control. Like the old
one, location hate. I see little to no reason to
maindeck either this, or the other Kyokotsu,
because, although they have two high colors, they
have a huge weak color, and most of the other band
of seven have more stable colors, and more useful
effects. This might be good to Kaitou, since some
locations out there can be a nuisance, but it is
unlikely that any specific location will show up in
enough decks to warrant maining this.
Noob:3/5(new players generally like locations, even
not so good ones, and he has two high colors.)
Tournament:2/5(just a big beater most of the time,
and he has a big weakness, maybe add .5 if in Kaitou
and put in against a deck with some annoying
locations.) Art:4/5(probably the best thing about
this card.)