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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Bankotsu, Member of the Band of Seven
Card Text:
When played, search your deck for a copy of BANRYU
and put it in your hand. (*) While you control
another character with "Band of Seven" in the title,
your opponent may not use effects to search his deck
or discard pile.
Type - character
Card Number - 54
Card Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 11.27.06 |
Balatbat |
Bakotsu, Member of the Band of Seven
Welcome again Inu fans to another week of COTD! This
week we are going to finish off the Band of Seven
from last week, and it looks like we will be going
to start up cards for a Three's Company Deck or at
least a Sesshoumaru friends based deck. The last
card just stands out because it could belong in
almost any deck. Anyway, let's start the review!
Bankotsu has always been the strongest out of all
the BOS, yes? True, majority of the time. His first
effect is awesome considering the fact that it
boosts his power by +2, depending which Banryu you
use. His 2nd effect is actually pretty good too
because it stops your opponent from doing anything
with his or her discard pile or deck. That is pretty
great because almost half the decks I see these days
use cards that look through their decks or their
discard pile, such as "Overjoyed" and "Here He Comes
to Save the Day!" So it is pretty worth keeping him.
Maybe you could look into the other ones to see if
they would work for you too. His colors aren't too
bad either, even though he is a 4 deck costing guy.
Casual Play: 3/5
Tournament Play: 3.5/5 Higher because there is
majority of people using recycle and search cards
Band of Seven Deck: 3.5/5
Art: 3/5 It really is him.

War_Broly |
Bankotsu, member of the band of seven.
Again, this is for the players who are unable to get
enough copies of the rarer Bankotsus for their BO7
deck. A 4 deck cost, actually light for a Bankotsu,
and the colors are as well, 5black, 6blue, and
3purple. This is slightly subpar, both for a 4 deck
cost, and a bankotsu in general, but it isn`t really
weak, the 5 and 6 are stable, although one would
expect a 7 somewhere on a Bankotsu, and the 3 is
there for balance. However, when this
card is played you may search your deck for a copy
of Banryu and put IT in your hand(you will notice on
the card it says HIM, even though it is an item).
This will, if I`m not mistaken raise Bankotsus
colors by at least
+2, +3 if I remember correctly. Making even his
lowest color a force to
reckoned with. His final effect is that as long as
you have at least 1 other BO7 character out, your
opponent cannot use effects to search their deck or
discard pile. This can be nice and limiting, since
most decks nowadays have at least some form or
tutorage, be it for the discard pile, deck, or both.
But, this will likely not have a huge impact on the
match, since most decks only run a few forms of
tutorage. However it is kinda nice.
Newb:2.5/5(high cost and only decent colors, along
with two effects that will likely not have much of
an impact here, especially since, if I remember
right, Banryu is only available as a subset promo in
this latest set,
Tournament:3.5/5(BO7 primarily, he works here, and
outside of BO7 decks, but
will likely find the most use in one. There are much
better Bankotsus, but this is good for budget
players) Art:3/5(I`ve always thought Bankotsu is
pretty cool.)