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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Elder of the Northern Wolf Tribe
The deck cost of your Unique
characters with "Wolf" in the title gains. -1. *
Elder of the Northern Wolf Tribe gains +2 red for
each other Unique character you control with "Wolf"
in the title.
Card Number - 57
Card Rating: 2.1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.04.06 |

Matthew Low |
Elder of the Northern Wolf Tribe
So this Wolf goes infinite Red. I think the
Aggressive Wolf does that. Anyway, if you're daring
enough to try out the weird Unique Wolf deck with
Ginta and Hakkaku from Shimei and probably Koga and
Ayame from Tousou or whatever one floats your boat
and this guy, then try it. From the outside looking
in, Wolves still fail when Hallway reigns, and these
guys don't go infinite as much as the little wolves
do. He fails to impress me, but if the Unique wolf
deck takes off, he's got the Red taken care of.
2.2 out of 5.0

Elder o/t Northern Wolf Tribe
Mmm ... this one sits with me odd. He makes your
unique wolves cost less (Koga, Hakkaku, Ginta, etc.)
and he gains +2 red for every other Unique wolf.
Now, these are good effects, but most of the wolf
decks I see tend to be of the swarming variety. They
are not unique and don't give nor gain anything from
this card. So ... meh.
Rating: 2/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
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