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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
(Power UP: Search your deck for a character with
"Band of Seven" in the title and put it in play
expended.) (*) All of your characters with "Band of
Seven" in the title gain +2 to all colors when
attacking. (*) When one of your characters with
"Band of Seven" in the title attacks, you may
discard a card from your hand to keep your opponent
from playing any events for that attack.
Type - character
Card Number - 116
Card Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 10.27.06 |

War_Broly |
Bankotsu,(leader of the band of seven)(I think, my
memory sucks) Well for starters let`s look at his
colors shall we? 6,7,4. Already we`re at a great
start. Deck cost, 5, pretty high, though par for
Bankotsu, and well worth it with this one. Effect,
well he can power up, and when you do you search
your deck for a character with band of seven in the
title and put
it in play expended. Let`s explore this, by powering
up, you bypass the cost of this card(sort of, since
you still had to pay for the previous version), and
you get to search your deck for another band of
seven character and put it in play, since it is put
into play, there is no cost, very good for band of
seven decks since all the characters are kind high
cost. Now yes, the character is put into play
expended, but that makes this
a little more fair, plus you`ll likely be powering
this up after attacking is done anyway, so it is
setup for next turn. With what we have going so far
this already is a great, card, but there are two
more effects to look at. when your other characters
with band of seven in the title(or all, I forget, so
sue me.) gain +2 to the attacking color, as if the
band of seven weren`t already strong enough. AND,
when a character with band of seven in the title
attacks you may discard a card from your hand to
prevent your opponent from playing any events for
that attack. Very nice for when you are going for
that finishing blow and need to be absolutely
certain they can`t turn things around on you, and
also nice when you know they have something,
Casual:4/5(his effects aren`t as good outside of
band of seven, since his power only works on BO7
characters, and his other two would only work for
him, still not bad though) Tournament:4.5/5(assuming
BO7 deck, the only bad thing about him is the deck
cost, but hey, as far as I can remember, all
Bankotsus have a 5 deck cost.) Art:3/5(a close up of
Bankotsu from the side, Bankotsu is cool, but this
picture isn`t anything spectacular)