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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Shot in the Heart
Attach to a character your
opponent controls. That character cannot attack. (*)
Limit one copy per deck.
Type - Shimei
Card Number - M5
Card Rating: 3.7
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.06.06 |

Matthew Low |
Title: Shot in the Heart
Card Number: M5
Expansion: Shimei
Rarity: Subset
Card Type: Event
Deck Cost: 3
Limit Per Deck: 1
Game Text: Attach to a character your opponent
controls. That character cannot attack. Limit one
copy per deck.
What a fun card. Often a very overlooked card, Shot
in the Heart can turn the tides of a game as it is
almost like character removal, and the character
can't even come back. Shutting off characters like
Bankotsu and Jakotsu can be extremely helpful.
The problem with this card is that since it costs 3
and limit 1, there's no reliable way of getting it
out. You'd be hardpressed to fit it in a deck since
you'd need to rely on drawing it, and even then you
also have to use it in place of an attack. This card
can easily save a shard or even more as time goes
on. Personally I would think A Tragic Death would be
preferable in more situations than this, but that's
for you to decide.
You'll need to attack this character eventually, and
that said it probably won't be saved and there goes
this card. It's definitely a card to take a look at
if you need to stall or have problems with those
huge 2 shard characters. The only problem is finding
3.7 out of 5.0

Shot in the Heart
Stop what you're doing! ... No, really, that's the
point of the review.
Shot in the Heart is an event attach that stops an
opponent's character from attacking. Excellent tech
against power character decks or decks that need a
specific character to attack. I still don't see a
lot against event attachments, which make these
incredibly useful. Now, all that said, I'd Kaitou
this. Swarm decks scoff at this card. Not affected
at all by it. Kaitou it until you come across a
potent unique character deck.
Rating: 3.5/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
Savage |

War_Broly |
Shot in the Heart.
Today we`re looking at a pretty nice promo. Shot in
the heart renders one of your opponent`s characters
immobile, unable to attack. This can be quite
nice if tacked onto a character that your opponent
consistently attacks with
first, such as Inuyasha, Chibi; etc. It is also
useful on something you simply don`t want to have to
worry about attacking you, like Bankotsu or Suikotsu.
For a three cost is a little heavy, but if used
right will be worth the cost. But work wisely,
because this card takes an action to use, so you
will likely have to wait until after you can`t
attack anymore to use this, and by then you might
have defeated the character you want to put this
on, but likely not since you`ll be planning to put
this on that character once you get this in your
hand. Definately Kaitou deck worthy, if not main
Casual:4/5(all about attacking here)
Tournament4.2/5(this can possibly screw up your
opponent`s strategy, or simply tip the balance in
your favor)
Art:4/5 That`s gotta hurt.
Balatbat |
Shot in the Heart
It's been a while since I've been reviewing cards.
Well, after that long break from the not, reviewing
world, I'm heading back to school and I might be
able to help people with deck fixes soon enough!
Anyway, I might also add in a deck that I would like
to put up or something.
Aside from all that, let's continue. "Shot in the
Heart" is a great card. Not very many people
actually put in cards that would remove events from
play like "Child Sacrifice" or possibly "Kirara,
Enraged Protector." It would possibly force you're
opponent to either kill off that character, or find
that character completely useless since it cannot
attack. It will help you in some tight situations,
especially if you're going against decks that rely
on a certain amount of characters, such as Three's
Company. I would side deck it as much as I could.
Casual Play: 4/5
Tournament Play: 4/5 It's pretty good..
Side Deck: 4/5 You choose...
Art: 5/5 I felt sorry for InuYasha when he got