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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Kirara, Sango's Pet
When KIRARA is attacked, you
may discard up to 5 cards from the top of your deck
to gain +1 to the attacked color for each card
discarded in this way.
Type - character
Card Number - 25
Card Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 09.12.06 |

Matthew Low |
Title: Kirara, Sango's Pet
Card Number: 25
Expansion: Shimei
Rarity: Common
Card Type: Character
Deck Cost: 2
Black: 3
Blue: 4
Purple: 3
Power UP: No
Game Text: When KIRARA is attacked, you may discard
up to 5 cards from the top of your deck to gain +1
to the attacked color for each card discarded in
this way.
Kirara's extremely annoying, and Serge only proved
that at Otakon. She's not much to look at when
attacking, but really what she does is wall
opponents extremely well. She can pump herself up to
8 Black 9 Blue 8 Purple, making her nearly
unhittable with other defensive pumps. She also
protects Sango, Friend of Kirara, making her more
The bad part is you'll be milling yourself 2-3 every
time she's attacked, and School Hallway royally
ruins her. In the right deck, she can be a beast and
completely lock out opponents. Kudos to people who
make her work.
4.5 out of 5.0

Kirara, Sango's Pet
So, today we get some huge, boosting critter. Kirara
is a 2 drop, 343, which are good colors for a 2
drop. Now, you can discard from your deck up to 5
cards. Kirara gets a +1 boost for each card that you
discard. Unlike hand discarding, this source is
always there and is near limitless. Of course, if
you're not careful, you could overdue it and cause
yourself to deck out. You're opponent may try to
force this and only attack Kirara for a while. So,
if you know how to use her, she's very useful. Only
those praticed veteran should think of using her.
Rating: 4/5~GoggleBoy
Former UMaine Animation Club President
UDE Demo Team Leader, Yu-Gi-Oh LvL 1 Judge & T.O.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own" - Adam
Savage |
Balatbat |
Kirara, Sango’s Pet
Welcome to a new week Inu TCG fans! Today, we will
review the card Kirara, Sango’s Pet. This is quite
an annoying card for me to face against, but with an
awesome effect. I’ve seen deck lists with this card
in it, along with Sango, Friend of Kirara and Miroku,
Traveling Monk. I’ve seen this in quite a few
tournament deck winners too that has those cards
with Three’s Company cards in it. There could be
much more to it with these cards, but only a few
have minds that could make certain decks powerful
with combos such as these. All in all, the effect is
pretty broken with only such a low deck cost and
moderate colors for such a low costing character.
Try putting it in different decks such as a Hero’s
deck and Cat and Dog decks. It works for them, so
why not you???
Casual Play: 3/5
Tournament Play: 4/5 I see this more and more every
tournament…why is that???
Three’s Company, Three Heroes Deck: 4.5/5
Hero’s Deck: 3.5/5 It depends how that deck is
Art: 5/5 I love Kirara so much!!!! ^-^