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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from Score

Kikyo, Feudal Hero

When played draw a card. If you control Inuyasha, draw 2 cards instead. * While you control only Good characters, you cannot use effects to lower your colos. * While you control Inuyasha, Kikyo cannot be attacked.

Card Number - 10

Card Rating:  x.xx

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 09.20.06


Matthew Low
Kikyo, Feudal Hero

When played draw a card. If you control INUYASHA, draw 2 cards instead. (*) While you control only Good characters, your opponent cannot use effects to lower your colors. (*) While you control INUYASHA, KIKYO cannot be attacked.

Another Feudal Hero. More card draw, protection as well which is great again. As for lowering colors, that really doesn't happen all that often anymore now that Jealous is virtually unplayable. There's still I Didn't Say Get Naked! though. Play with her for the theme, and the fact that she's actually Good/Cute, but as a stand alone character I can't give her an amazing score.

3.0 out of 5.0



Kikyo, Feudal Hero

Another character w/ feudal hero? I think I see a deck type coming in.
This Kikyo has a similar effect to Inuyasha with card draw. However, her effects are a LOT better then his. First off, your Good characters cannot have their colors lowered.
In a good deck, that just means that you're only fear would be from your opponent boosting. Cards like Tensaiga lose a lot of their luster swinging.
Her second just protects her while Inuyasha is in play. So, Kikyo and Inuyasha in play, Inuyasha pumped and Kikyo protecting from color loss. Quite effective.

Rating: 3.5/5

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