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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

Image from Score

Chokyukai’s Abducted Brides

Search your deck for 2 copies of Chokyukai's Brides and put them in play. Limit 5 copies per deck.

Card Rating:  2.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.

Date Reviewed - 01.07.0


Justin Balatbat
Chokyukai’s Abducted Brides

Today, we have another preview of the next set, Chokyukai’s Abducted Brides. This event is only for decks that have Chokyukai’s Brides. Its effect is pretty cool because you get to put them into play. Then they power each other up. Great, huh? Eh…sort of. With a deck cost of 2, its effect is decent. Swarm anyone? With only 5 per deck, I’m pretty sure you’ll draw out at least 3 of them during a game, if not at least 1.

Casual Play: 2/5

Tournament Play: 2.5/5 You get to swarm, and that’s pretty important

Chokyukai Deck (with Chokyukai’s Brides): 5/5 It’s an essential

Art: 2.5/5 Eh…don’t see much.

Chokyukai's Abducted Brides

An event for 2 that lets you search your deck for 2 copies of Chokyukai's Brides and put them into play. Also limit 5 per deck. Now, this isn't bad for a nice swing for a few jewel shards after your opponent is out of characters to attack with. This makes Chokyukai's Brides worth playing.

Now, true, it will all depend of keeping Chokyukai alive, but with him seeming to be the focus of the Saiyuki theme going in this set so far, the deck will revolve around him, and you'll plan accordingly. Just remember, if you have a few of these in hand, with a Chokyukai out, and something in hand or on the field to keep Chokyukai alive, you could be swinging for some
massive shards, unless you are dangerously outgunned before battle starts.
Newb:2/5(quite combo based, and if you don't do it right, Chokyukai's Brides
are just useless.)

Tournament:3/5(This will obviously only be used in a situation where those brides will be able to attack unimpeded for a few shards, this should have been limited by turn, not copies per deck) Art:2/5(They look like a big collection of statues or precious items, not

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