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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Sagojo, Descendant of Sagojo
Chokyukai gains +1 to all
colors for each Female you control. Sagojo gains -2
to all colors while you don't control Chokyukai.
Card Rating: 2
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.08.07 |

Balatbat |
Sagojo, Descendant of Sagojo
Here is the last card for this week of previews.
Today we have Sagojo, Descendant of Sagojo. Its deck
cost is 2 with moderate colors for a deck cost of 2.
But if you control Chokyukai, the card from last
week, this card gains an additional +2 to all
colors. So, his colors would be 5, 5, and 6, which
isn’t bad for a deck cost of two. The problem is,
this card relies on Chokyukai. So if you don’t
control him, guess what? Negative bonuses. Bad. But
the other effect, which is to give Chokyukai +1 for
every female you control, is pretty good. It’s not
too bad. But still, it relies on Chokyukai too much.
Casual Play: 1.5/5
Tournament Play: 1.5/5 Eh…
Chokyukai Deck: 3/5
Art: 1.5/5 It…looks retarded…I really don’t like it…

War_Broly |
Sagojo, Descendant of Sagojo
Right away you should notice how this guy really
depends on Chokyukai being out to be useful at all.
For one thing he gives Chokyukai +1 to all colors
for each female you control, giving a little more
reason to play Chokyukai's
Brides. Also, Sagojo gains -2 to all colors of
Chokyukai is not in play.
With his already subpar stats, that spells doom for
this guy if Chokyukai is
not out. Then again with all the support he and the
brides will give Chokyukai he won't die easily, just
every other character in the deck(so far). His cost
slightly makes up for his small stats, and subpar
Things could change if even better support comes out
for these guys, and if Goku is any good(I hope so),
but so far this deck only has a small bit of
Newb:2/5(Just, no)
Tournament:2/5(I am sure that even if the other
Sagojos in this set aren't too good, they will
likely be better than this one.) Art:2/5(I'll bet he
rode the short bus[no offense to anyone])