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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Looking to the Sky
Discard a Good character from
your hand to draw the bottom 2 cards of your deck.
(*) Limit 1 copy per deck. (*) Remove from the game
after use.
Type - event
Card Number - PR3
Card Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.24.07 |
Balatbat |
Looking to the Sky
Continuing our promotional cards week, we have
"Looking to the Sky." Now this card is only placed
in Good traited character decks (most of the time).
Very nice effect, and it's similar to the card "Mencing
Evil," except you get it from your deck instead.
Having that two card advantege is a huge advantege
mid to late game, even early game. Unfortunately,
you would have to finish off your opponent faster
because of the fact that you're losing cards in your
deck. Still good in many ways, you know. Plus, it
has no deck cost so that makes things so much
better, even though you are losing one card in your
Casual Play: 4/5
Tournament Play: 4.5/5 If I had it, I would abuse it
Good Deck: 5/5 Very useful, unless it's a very late
game card
Art: 3/5 They're doing what the card says... |