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Pojo's Inuyasha Card of the Day

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Score |
Chokyukai, Direct Decendant of
Pojo Preview!
When played search your deck
for a card with "Chokyukai" in the title and put it
in your hand. * Sagojou and Songoku gain +2 to all
Card Number - 16
Card Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale 1 being the worst.
3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Date Reviewed - 01.31.07 |

War_Broly |
Chokyukai, direct decendant of Chohakkai.
Well, now we know what Chokyukai does! 7,5,3 is
always a stable color ratio. 4 deck cost is slightly
high, but manageble for the colors.
Firstly, when played search your deck for a card
with Chokyukai in the title and put it in your hand.
This already raises the playability of yesterday`s
card, as it is now searchable, and makes a decent
character, slightly better(I still wouldn`t play
Chokyukai`s Brides though). His second effect gives
Sagojou and Songoku +2 to all colors. Yesterday`s
card was bad because the only thing it did was raise
another character`s colors. This card is decent
because the card itself has decent colors, so
raising other character`s colors isn`t his only
reason for being played. However, we still don`t
know how good Sagojou and Songoku are(I`m pretty
sure they`ll be good, at least Songoku), so we still
can`t say for sure how good this card is. However,
depending on how many cards in this set have
Chokyukai in the title(and how good they are), this
card is already off to a good start, not great, but
pretty good, since if nothing else you can just grab
another copy of Chokyukai for Saving later.
Newb:3/5(not bad)
Tournament:3/5(add .5-1 depending on how good
Sagojou and Songoku are, as well as how good the
cards with Chokyukai in the title are)
Art:1/5(He doesn`t look that tough, despite the
necklace of skulls. And the red paint just looks

Balatbat |
Chokyukai, Direct Decendent of Chohokkai
Welcome again Pojo fans to New Set, New Cards week!
Continuing our previews of the new set, Keshin, we
have Chokyukai, Direct Decendent of Chohokkai.
Yesterday, we had Chokyukai's Brides, which is small
support for this card. His colors are high, which
match his deck cost. It's pretty even, so no worries
His first effect, which is to search for any card
with "Chokyukai" in the title, is pretty good
considering the fact that you are filtering out your
deck a bit more. Plus, there might be even more
support with this guy.
His second effect, which is to give Sagojou and
Songoku +2 to all colors, seems pretty good, but we
don't know what they do yet. This guy can't go in
every deck though. You have to put him in his own
deck, not unless the other two cards are built for
any deck. Oh well. "Chokyukai" Deck anyone?
Casual Play: 2/5
Tournament Play: 2/5 Might be more support than I
think to be workable here
"Chokyukai" Deck: 4/5 Support for this guy here
Art: 3/5 He saw something scary...