This Deck is called Psi-Stall. You use it by using a Kangaskahn or Snorlax as a wall while you build up guys like Gengar, Hypno or Alakazam. Use damage swap to keep Kangahskan or Snorlax alive. I went to a Zany Brainy tournament. About 20 People were there. I won first place! Now for the deck:

3 Abra

2 Kadabra

1 Alakazam

Alakazams Damage swap is the best pkmn. power!

4 Fosill Gastly

3 Fosill Haunter

2 Gengar

Curse is the best! Kill the opponents bench!

3 Drowzee

1 Hypno

Use these as a back-up. Prophecy is pretty cool.

3 Slopoke

2 Slowbro

Strange behavior is just like dmg. swap.

1 Kangahskan

1 Snorlax

Use these as a wall

2 Scoop Up

Bring back snorlax or Kangaskan

2 Imposter Oak

Great deck waster

2 Super Potion

These are awesome!

2 Energy Retrieval

In case you fight an energy denial deck

1 Pokemon Center

Use this if your bench is overflowing with damge counters

1 Pokemon Trader

In case you get to many abras or slowpokes.

4 Defender

In case your fighting a rain dance deck

18 Psi Energy

2 Dbl. Colorless Energy

How to handle other decks

Energy Removal Decks - This deck was specialy designed with two energy retrievals to pick up some wasted energy

Rain Dance - I added 4 defenders.This may be the hardest deck to face. Blastiose can do a lot of damage but you can reduce it. Warning ! Do not damage swap to much.

Haymakers - This deck was designed to be an anti - haymaker deck. This has 2 super potions , poke-center, and 2 scoop up to keep you opponent busy while you build up guys. PLus haymakers weakness is psycic.

Stall Decks - This deck was design to have all four ' wall ' guys have a resistance to other psycic guys!

Use comet punch and snorlax as great walls!

Round one vs. John

HE had a haymaker. Beat him easily with Gengar and Alakazam. BP ( best poekemon) goes to slowbro. He save my Gengar. Somehow at the same time a pokemon center showed up.

Round Two vs. Rick D.

He was a begginer but somehow made it through the first round. He had a starter deck( with some great changes) but I beat him. BP award goes to Kangaskan for having many lucky coin flips!

Roun Three

( Bye )
Round Four

I have to admit, this guy was good. If you want to see his exact deck, read the sandwich islands pokemon card handbook and see the "Rain Dance" it had 3 Blastioses but my snorlax's wall ability stood up for only about three rounds. I was dieying but suddenly he had 4 cards left! he had one in his hand. I drew my card. Yes! it was an imp. prof oak. I used it. He ran out of cards and I won!


I would say this was the scariest match in my life. I only had an abra and gastly to begin while the other kid alrready had a Gyrados ready in a few turns. Somehow, he had one prize left, my gastly killed gyrados. He had no more good basics so I came back all the way and took all 6 of my prize cards with the Kadabra I had.

I will gladly accept or give advice/tips. Email me at

code name : bob