(Tournament Report)
By: Clash of the Titans
Dec 30, 1999
Hey I just came back from a post Christmas tournament at Comics-a-Lot in
Richmond, VA.  I was playing InSaNiTy.  The list is below followed by the
strategy and the report.

6xFire energy
6xElectric energy
4xCpu search
4xEnergy retrieval
4xEnergy search
4xplus power
3xScoop up
4xItem Finder

This deck is PURE speed. You try to oak first turn ALWAYS. If you don’t oak
first turn you’re usually in trouble. Absolutely nothing can stop this deck.
  You’ll note that the deck has forty trainers. Well, that’s because
trainers win games. Here’s the report.

I paid a $10 entry fee and 40 people showed up. (Wow) The format was Single

Round 1
Vs. Rainbow deck.
This kid had no idea what he was doing.  I had a god hand, Electabuzz, 1
electric, 1 oak, 2 plus powers and 2 fire energy.  I won the flip.  He put
out Seel, I put out Electabuzz. I smelled a first turn kill. I placed energy
and plus powers, oaked. I got 2 bills and another oak. I billed twice and
got another plus power. I oaked and didn’t get a plus power. But I did get a
Computer search. I prayed that my plus power wasn’t in my prizes.  It
wasn’t. I played the fourth plus power and won. No more basics. (I told you
it was fast.)

Round 2
Vs. Offensive Swap
This guy was awesome; I saw the end of his game. He handled his opponent
easily. I got a decent hand, 1 Magmar, 1 Buzz, 1 Scoop up, 1 oak, and 3
fire.  He won the toss. I put out Magmar, he put out Abra. He attached
energy and did damage with paralyze.  I Scooped the Magmar, put him back
down on my bench.  I oaked and got plus power, electric energy and energy
removal.  I energy removaled, placed the energy and thundershocked with
paralyze.  My opponent draws his card, mutters and tells me to go. I draw a
card energy search. I search for fire energy, put it on Buzz and
thunderpunch for the win. (No basics)

Round 3
Vs. Haymaker
Haymaker, blah. Anyway, He had a basic Haymaker with Chanseys.  Anyway, He
started with Scyther, I started with Electabuzz, and Magmar on the bench. He
went first, placed a fighting energy on Scyther and told me to go.  I
scooped Electabuzz, put out Magmar placed energy, searched for oak and
oaked. I got energy retrieval, Plus power, Magmar, energy removal and
energy. I energy removaled the fighting energy and smoke screened for 20. 
He put a Hitmonchan on his bench and retreated his Scyther for it. Then he
put an electric energy on Hitmonchan. I went and drew a bill. I billed and
got a GOW and a Plus power. I placed another energy on Magmar, Gusted up the
Scyther added the plus power and Smogged for the KO. He put out Hitmonchan,
energy removaled, placed a fighting energy and jabbed.  I played energy
retrieval placed energy and Smogged, with poison.  He played another
fighting energy on Hitmonchan and Special Punched to bring my Magmar down to
10 Hp left.  I drew an Oak, placed electric energy on Electabuzz and oaked.
I got a plus power. I placed the plus power and smogged for the win. Whew.

Round 4

This guy had 83 cards. He was disqualified. It was a Haymaker with 10 ER, 5
SER, 15 DCE 5 Chanseys, 7 Scythers and 13 Hitmonchans. HA! (I have NO clue
how he got to the 4th round)

So I made it to the Semi finals (top 4) with a record of 4-0. There were 15
other people with a perfect record, so they went by Strength of Schedule.
Also 5 people had to leave. (One kid got smacked cause he went to the
tournament without permission.)
Semi Finals-

Round 1
Vs. Raindance
Wow! This Raindance is almost as fast as mine! ;) Anyway, I had a good hand
but he had a great hand. He had a Blastoise out and pumped by turn 3.
However, I gained some momentum by gusting up magikarp and Smogging it down.
My Prize was an Electabuzz. Blastoise came out and Hydro Pumped my Magmar
into oblivion. I put out the other Magmar on my bench. I placed fire energy
on Electabuzz, Energy Removaled three energy off the Blastoise and used Item
Finder to get the GOW back to scare him from putting down any more Pokemon.
(Thanks to some quick KOs early in the game I had 2 prizes left.) “Go.” I
said. My opponent eyed me suspiciously. He looked hard at my hand. Finally
he Hydro pumped my Magmar.  I draw a bill. Bill gives me energy. I use the
energy to computer search for a plus power to add to the plus power I
already had in my hand. I place electric energy on Electabuzz, place plus
powers and thunder punch. I flip heads and win.

Vs. Turbo Wiggly Deck
Okay this is what I dreaded. Wigglytuffs are hard to play against. He
started with a Jiggly puff versus my Magmar.  He stomped me early on but I
had come back thanks to none other than oak. Both of us had 1 Prize left. He
had a Hitmonchan against my Electabuzz. He jabbed for forty.  I had 10
trainers in my hand, including lass.  He had 3 cards left in his deck. I had
two. I scooped up Electabuzz and sent out Magmar. I placed energy on Magmar
and smokescreened. He drew a card, energy removaled Magmar and failed to
jab. Opponent 2 cards me one. I got an oak. I then lassed, he had no
trainers, I had 11. His deck 2, mine 12. I then Smokescreened to end my
turn. He was pissed. He tried to jab, failed and forfeited.

So I won the tournament. The prizes were  $100 cash and a Box of 1st edition
Base. SWEET!

Props & Slops

Props to Comics-a-Lot for a great tourney.
Props to the guy in the finals (I think his name was Ned) for a great finals

Slops to Comics-a-Lot for shutting down tomorrow (when we finally get a good
Slops to the kid who got smacked (I mean he got SMACKED!)

Well you got anything to say just E-mail me at Calvinjamison@hotmail.com

Join the InSaNe Movement.

Clash. (aka Calvin Jamison, thus the e-mail address.)

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