Hey Pojo its me James. I participated at a tournament
in North Canton, Ohio at borders on December 1st at 7:00 pm (DCI Santioned). I
used my fists of fire deck with some new changes!
You'll see the difference when i show you my deck. On my last report i put
that my hitmochan jabbed a zapdos to faint. Well i just noticed that
thanks to some readers that told me about it. That was just a mess up, i'm
not sure what i did but i'm sure it wasn't that. Just wanted to clear that
up. Ok heres my deck!
Fists of Fire
Fire Pokemon
3 Vulpix
2 Ninetails
3 Growlithe
2 Arcanine
Fighting Pokemon
1 Hitmolee
1 Hitmochan
3 Machop
2 Machoke
1 Machamp
Colorless Pokemon
2 Farfetch'd
1 Kangaskan
2 Ditto
3 E.R
2 Switch
2 G.O.W
2 Pro. Oak
3 Bill
13 Fire Energy
12 Fighting Energy
Heres the report.....
Round 1 vs Mike with Phycic deck
Ok i win coin flip and put out growlithe, he puts out gastly. I put a fire
energy on growlithe and end my turn but he just passes cause he has no
energy. I put another energy on growlithe and do flare. The next few turns
all he does is evolve a abra into kadabra and evolve gastly into haunter. I
get a my vulpix out and evolve into Ninetails and i get him, pumped up. When
i knock out haunter he gets out a weak energyless kadabra and also has a
mr.mime on his bench. When i finish off his kadabra he puts out mr.mime
which is useless becuase my growlithe's flare does 20 damage and not 30 so
his invisible wall dosn't work. I do quick work off of mr.mime. He has no
more basics so i win!
Record 1-0
Round 2 vs???? With Water and electric deck.
This guy was pretty good and had a decent deck. He wins the coin toss and
puts out a electabuzz. I get out machop. He adds a energy and does thunder
shock (i think) and does 10 with no para. I get energy and do low kick for
40 since hes weak to fighting. Next turn he justs thunershocks again with no
para. I do low kick again to knock it out. He gets out a pumped
squirtle and does bubble with no para. I do low kick for 20. He
evolves into wartortle and does withdraw with head so i can't attack him. He
doesn't get any energy for the next few turns. I evolve my machop into
machoke and machamp and pump it up during that time. I wait until he gets
and tails and I do sysmec toss to knock it out! He has a weak magikarp on
the bench and gets it out. He gets a energy and adds it to him and does
tackle. I use sysmec toss to knock it out! He has no basics so i win! Wahooo!
Record 2-0
Round 3 vs Justin with water deck
This guy was pretty pathetic cuase all he had was a staryu and poliwag. I
get out hitmochan and do jab through out the game knocking out both of them
Record 3-0
Round 4 vs ???? with fighting deck
This kid uses geodudes and digletts as much as i could see. I win toss and
put out machop and he gets out geodude and has another geodude and a diglett
on his bench. I do low kick a few times before he can get enough energy to
pump up his geodude. A few turns later when he finnaly gets geodude charged
up i knock him out with low kick. Well its about the same story with the
other diglett and geodude. All i do is low kick a few times and knock them
out. He turns out that he has no more basics so i win!
Record 4-0
Well it was a pretty good tournament today. I got enough points to get a
boulder badge wahoo!
Hitmochan and mahop were the stars of today saving me alot of times! Well
cya pojo gotta go.
James W