Hey PoJomaniacs, I have a deck that hasn't lost yet, I have 3 first
edition charizards thanks to this deck.  Here is the deck.  I will tell you
the tourny ruesuls and how to use this deck after you read th guys.

Fighting Pokemon (13 incluing mysterious fossil):    
4 Hitmonchans
3 Hitmonlees
4 mysterious fossils
2 Aerodactyls
Colorless Pokemon(8):
3 Chanseys (don't use to stall, Use his attack!!!)
3 Jigglypuffs
2 Wigglytuffs
24 Fighting
4 Double colorless
2 Prof.Oaks (so you can get out aerodactyl as soon as possible)
2 Computer Searches (same reason as above)
3 Switches (In case they lure or gust of wind your aerodactyl)
2 Super ER's
1 Gamble (stall deck killer)

    The goal of this deck is to get out aerodactyl out as soon as possible so
you render your enemy helpless with his pokemon power.  This won't hurt your
deck since everyone here is a heavy hitting basic. (Besides aerodactyl and
Since they can only suvive on their already evolved pokemon and basics, they
will prety much be helpless.This tourny was held at a local store called
Omnidons.  We had about 20 people here and it was single elimination.   Here
are the results of the tourny.

Round one: Me vs Raindance
    It was against this kid named brad who copied my old Raindance deck, so i
knew how it worked.  I flipped and called heads and went first.  I got a god
hand, a hitmonchan, a hitmonlee, a mysterious fossil, a computer search, and
3 energy.  He had 2 basics, both magikarps.  But i saw his hand an saw the
gyarados. I put out hitmonchan, equipped an energy, sacrificed the other two
energy with a comp search and got aerodactyl.  Jabbed for 20, his turn. He
equpped an energy and did 10.  I evolved my fossil to aerodactyl and he
forfeited.  Record:1-0

Round two: Me vs straight psychic
    I played this spoiled brat named Bill.  I flipped nd called heads, but as
luck wouldhaveit, it was tails.  We drew and I stuck out my chansey, my only
basic.  Luckily he as a resistance to psychic.  He stuck out the new Gasty. 
e did zero and no paralyis. I equpped my only double colorless, did comp
search, and got another double colorless.  I scrunched.  failed.  He evolved
to base set haunter, and did hypsnosis.  I woke up and equpped the other
double colorless, double edeged, and won since he had no other pokemon . 
Record: 2-0

Round 3 Semifinals: Me vs Psy stall
    I don't remember this guys name, but he was like inhis 30's. This guys
whole deck we found out was energy!!!  He was trying to mulligan me no one
else caught him though.  Record: 3-0

Round 4, Final game:  Me vs Colorless
    This was sooo easy due to colorlesses weakness to fighting.  I got
hitmonchan and the rest energyand went first.  He brought out a jiggly and i
jabed for 40.  he equipped an energy and lullabied.  I didn't wake up but i
put a hitmonlee on m bench and equipped and energy to him. he kep lullabying
me and i did't wake up, but when  got my hitmonlee beefed fully, i used
switch, and kiled his puff.  Out came a person who doesn't know how to use
chansey. He used it for stalling. Scrunch didn't work and i gave him a high
jump kick up his chanseys butt which gave him 100 damage.  He scrunched and
it worked.  But i just stretch kicked his benched clefairy.  He scrunched,
and t didn't work, i killed it next turn.  He brought out the 20 hp clefairy
and high jumped kicked my hitmonlee.  I killed him and won.  Record 4-0

I won and got an 50$ shopping spree there.
If you have any comments e-mail me at Iamdabeergod@aol.com