Rain  Of  Fire
fire pokemon:
4 charmander
2 charmeleon
1 charizard(duh)
3 vulpex
1 ninetails(lure rules only 2 colorless)

water pokemon:
4 squrtle
2 wartortle
1 blastoise(rain dance rules)
3 magicarp
1 gyarados(bub-le-beam -kicks------)

15 fire
14 water

2 plus power
2 pokeball
1 full heal
1 revive
1 defender
2 gust of wind

my name is paul, and the tourney I was in was held in phoenix A.Z at
sports cards 2.

mach 1
this 1st kid had a grass deck, but unfortunately I got my water pokemon
1st . 1st was gyarados, then squrtle and wartortle, and then magicarp
(now I can use gyarados) , finally I got charmander and charmeleon and
the prizes just disappeared.
mach 2
this kids deck was fighting, and I could tell this would be tough,
because he had 3 machamps, 3 hipmonchans, and 3 dugtrios. 1st his
machamps killed me with there stupid pokemon powers,but I came back with
gyarados (and a few lucky flips). lucky for me gyarados is resistant,but
little by little he knocked me out. We both had one prize left lucky for
me next I got charizard with charmeneon on the bench and then I fire
spined him to death.
mach 3
for some reason I got a bye this mach.
mach 4
dead, that's what I was this mach, because he had a lightning,water
deck. 1 by 1 he crushed my pokemon I had only knocked 1 of  his pokemon
by the time he had 1 prize left.yes!!! next I drew a fire energy, and
knocked out his dewgong with ninetails, but then he just killed me with
blastoise. oh well maybe I'll get in the top 8 next time.

by Paul Terry age:10 e-mail: natasha@sedona.net