Hi all you pokemon fans! My name is Dustin jennings and the name of my unbeatable deck is "psytrap"!
I won a tournoament with thiss deck so here it goes.(october 5th)
4 abra
3 kadabra
2 alakazam
1 mewtwo
2 mr. mime
4 bulbasaur
2 ivysaur
1 venasaur
2 scyther
1 chansey
1 clefairy doll
3 super potion
2 g.o.w.
2 computer search
15 psychic
15 grass
touney stats
i played in a tounament with about 30 people in Winston-Salem north carolina
round 1
i played a kid with a electric and rock deck. he also had some colorless
he got out a clefairy and clefable and metronomed my scyther so i reatreated
him (no retreat cost) and sent out m mime with 20 damage on him, i swapped damage to
him because clafable couldnt hurt me. i ended up winning and now i am 1-0
round 2
i played a fire and water deck which was bad because my grass is weak to fire.
luckily he didnt get out a fire pokemon, only a blastoise which i killed with abras and
kadabras, he also got out out poliwrath and growlithe that he diddnt get a chance to send out.
i won again 2-0
round 3
i played an all grass deck and i won beecause this adult had no basic pokemon after i killed his weedle and
nidoran boy 3-0
round 4
i played a boy with a fire phychic deck whic has an advantage over my grass
but i manged to get mr mime out and put a woopin on his charizrad's
yes plural of charizard!!! 3 charizards is enough. i beat his charizards
and mewtwos with mr mime himself.4-0
round 5 final round
i played a kid with and electric and water deck and his best card was zapdos and
blastoise. i beat his first two squirtle and then he diddnt have any to use his blatoise so
his oly hope was his zapdos. so i sent out chasey for a suicide attempt and killed zapdos
and won the game and the touament.
my prizes were and cd of pokmon masters
6 boosters
a poster and
2 theme decks of my choice
thanks pojo or your time and i hope you can post my killer deck!!