My tournament was held in Sant Ana, California, in a gift shop. There was about 12
people who attended the tournament. The torney was on October 2nd. I got in First place. My deck is a cheap version of a Haymaker, but it worked really well.I call this deck the "Deathmaker".

Here is my deck:

Pokemon: 13

2 Kangaskhan
3 Scyther
4 Jynx
4 Electabuzz

Trainers: 22

4 Bill
4 Gust Of Wind
4 Pluspower
4 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
2 Professor Oak
1 Computer Search

Energy: 25

11 Psychic
10 Electric
4 Double Colorless

There was 3 rounds in the tournament. It was single elimination. I won first place and got 4 regular booster packs. Out of those boosters I got a Chansey, 2 Raichus, and a Trader.

Tournament Report

Round 1

This was my easiest and fastest game. The kid played a water deck. I drew and got Electabuzz as my active. He had only a Squirtle. He went first , played an energy and bubbled. I was paralyzed and could not attack. I drew and played an energy on Electabuzz. He then drew and bubbled again, not paralyze. I drew, played an energy on electabuzz and Thunderpunched for the win because he had no other basic left to fight with. WON

Round 2

This was also one of my easiest games. I  drew Electabuzz, again. He played a water deck. He put out squirtle as active and a Magikarp on bench. I went first, played an energy on Electabuzz and thundershocked for 20 but no paralyze. He played a water on squirtle and bubbled, but still no paralyze. I then played an energy  and thundershocked for the kill. He played down magikarp, attach an energy, and he did FLAIL!!! Then I thunderpunched it and won. When I did this, the person next to me started cracking up. It was pretty funny though. WON

Final Round

This was my hardest game. He played a Fire and colorless, I think. It was pretty much even throughout the game.Every time I got a prize, he would get one too. It was a pretty boring game until it was crunch time. I had one prize left and he had two. I had a Jynx out with one energy and a fully loaded Scyther on the bench while and he had a Magmar out with two energy also, but the Magmar had 20 damage on it. it was his turn and he retreated magmar for a fully loaded Jigglypuff. he pounded me and I was in trouble.Then I had figured out how to win. I comp searched for a gust of wind, played an energy on the jynx and retreated it for Scyther. Then I did the move that would five me the game. I gust of winded out his injured magmar and slashed it for the win! WON

So far, this is the best deck i have ever created. Some of my friends want to copy it and use it in their own tournament.  If you have any questions or comments about the Deathmaker, please email me, Anthony Vo, at