Hey Pojo!  Love the site!  Keep up the good work!  Well, here's my deck...

Fists of Fury~


3 Cubone, 2 Marowak,
3 Machop, 3 Machoke, 2 Machamp,
4 Hitmonchan.


4 Gust of Winds,
3 Energy Removal,
3 Plus-Power,
2 Bill,
2 Super Potion,,
2 Energy Retrieval,
1 Switch,
1 Computer Search,
1 Pokémon Trader,
1 Super Energy Removal.


23 Fighting Energy.

Palm Desert, CA.  At Toy's R' Us on Saturday, October 2nd.  17 people were
there.  20 minute time limit.

1st Battle

Me VS Matt

He had a tweaked Zap deck so it was cake except for the Zapdos'.  My starting
hand was a Hitmonchan, a Machoke, a Machamp, a Gust of Wind, and 3 Energy.  I
put Hitmonchan on the bench against his Magnemite with a Pikachu on bench. 
He won the toss. He never had any energy so he played a bill and passed his
turn.  First hit Magnemite was dead.  He sent out Pikachu, evolved and played
an energy and defender on it.  I attached an energy then I hit him with Jab
for 20 because of the defender.  He then played a double colorless and
attacked for 20 but lost the coin flip.  I then put another energy on
Hitmonchan and attacked with special punch.  He fainted and he was out of


2nd Match

Me VS Alex (a friend of mine)

He had another electric deck with three Zapdos.  I won the coin toss.  I drew
my hand and sent out a Machop with Cubone on bench.  He sent out a Zapdos. 
In my hand I had 4 energy and a Machoke.  I drew my card, it was an energy
removal.  I attatched an energy and did a low kick which he resisted.  He
then attatched and energy and passed his turn.  Next I drew a gust of wind. 
I then attatched an energy and evolved.  I passed my turn.  He then attatched
an energy and used a gust of wind.  I then drew a switch (lucky me).  I
switched Cubone, attatched an energy and attacked for 20 damage.  He then
used an Oak.  He attatched an energy and passed.  I then drew a trader.  I
got my Machamp for Cubone.  I evolved and attatched an energy and attacked. 
Next turn, he didn't have any energy so he just put a magnemite on his bench.
 He passed and I went.  I gusted his Zapdos and killed Magnemite.  I drew my
prize.  It was Hitmonchan.  Later we played until the time limit.  He ended
up decking himself because of an energy drought and he oaked and billed too


3rd Match

Me VS. Melissa

She used an all-color deck so I practically had the game cut out for me.  I
drew a Hitmonchan, a gust and 2 energy removals.  The rest were energy.  She
put out a Mr.Mime and played a fire energy on it.  Darn colorless attack
cost.  I put out Hitmonchan and attatched an energy and attacked.  She then
tried to place an electric energy on Mr. Mime but I told her she wasn't
allowed to.  She got mad and started an argument.  The judge came and told
her the basic rules.  I then taught her the detailed rules and earned 20
points toward a badge.  It took a while to teach her and I had to leave
before I even finished.  I only played two full games but I still got lots of
points for a badge.

Well, that was it.  There was no prize or first place or second place.  All
you do is try to earn points for badges.  I'll write another deck and play
with it and post it here soon.  This is Webster, signing off.

E-mail me questions or comments at Web0133@aol.com