Burning Thunderstorm                                                                          
This tournament was at a local toy store called Learning Express in Lafayette L.A.There was about 15 kids mostly teenagers but, it was double elimination, so it didn't last THAT long, but about 1 hour (Short enough for me to make the pokemon league.) Well here's my deck.It relies mainly on the 3 mystical birds, enjoy :) 
  ENERGIES(28)                      WATER POKEMON(11)            FIRE POKEMON(4)        ELECTRIC POKEMON(10)
9 water                                  1 vaporeon                                2 magmar (fossil)            3 pikachu(jungle)                                  
6 fire                                      2 articunu                                1 flareon                         1 zapdos                    9 electric                                 1 lapras                                    1 moltres                       1 zapdos(fossil)
4 double colorless                  3 squirtle                                                                       1 jolteon
                                            3 wartortle                                                                      2 electabuzz
                                            1 blastoise                                                                     2 raichu(basic)
                COLORLESS POKEMON(4)                                 TRAINERS(3)                                      
                4 eevee                                                               2 energy search
                                                                                          1 computer search
Me VS. Rainbow Deck
The kid gets a machop and a rattata, I got pikachu raichu eevee and electric energy, i put out pikachu he goes first low kick i evolve and place an energy on raichu, he evolves machop places double colorless submission i,m gone i bring out eevee and he submissions for the win due to no basics. HOW EMBARRASSING...BEATEN BY A RAINBOW DECK.                                            
Me VS. water (ha ha)
opening hand I got 2 energy searches(yes) 1 eevee and the rest energy, he got out staryu (that's it), i go first.I play down a electric energy(hoping for a jolteon),his turn he adds an energy and slaps for 20.YES!!!!!!!! I got jolteon added a double colorless and heads i win he had no basics he said i cheated but luckily someone else saw the match.(quick match)so far 3 guys were eliminated and i was in 9th. Which i wasn't too happy about because i usually come in second after my friend josh:(  
Me VS. Josh(all grass)
Lots of japs in his deck not legal in DCI sanctioned tournament. Opening hand,WHAT he got a squirtle and a charmander? I got the best hand EVER i got an eevee magmar and a moltres, the rest fire energys!! I put out magmar he puts out charmander(the idiot, squirtle is my weakness)I go first,i drew a flareon, i put a double colorless on eevee. He evolved his squirtle and added an energy to scratch me for 10. I placed an electric energy and evolved my eevee then retreated the magmar and ...heads 30. He pumps up his wartortle with a water energy. I placed an energy on jolteon, then killed his charmander, My prize was a wartortle. He brought out wartortle and placed an energy to bite and benched a rattata. I did pin missile killed his wartorle. He brought out rattata and bit for 20.(oh no only 10 life left)  I knew the game relied on these flips. I had to get 2/4 flips to win luckily i got 3/4 that was a very close match. Well i came in second and won a $20 gift certificate and got a holo aerodactle.  Thank you for reading this long report.                                               
PROPS:to Learning Express for having the tournement.
PROPS:to pojo for having this section.
PROPS:to you for reading this.
SLOPS:to my luck with booster packs.
SLOPS:to that kid for saying i cheated.
email me with comments at 66911@msn.com my name is Jared Clement and I'm 13