Super Thunderpunch

4 Electabuzz
4 Hitmonchan
3 Scyther
1 Ditto
1 Jigglypuff

12 Fighting Energy
10 Electric Energy
3 D. Colorless Energy

4 Energy Removal
4 Bill
4 Pluspower
3 S.E.R
3 Gust of Wind
2 Prof. Oak
2 Lass

Trainers: 22
Pokemon: 13
Energy: 25

This deck is a classic Haymaker. Ditto is used against only against a strong
enemy basic. Lasses are for Raindances (they rely totally on trainers) and
everything else is self-explanatory. I made a few changes after the tourney.
The tourney was at West Gate mall on Friday, the 15th. It was divided into
groups, 7-Under, 8-11, and 12 and above. Being only eleven years old I said
I was 12 (I'll be 12 in a month anyway) it was an exciting tourney. Single
Elimination and 24 people. And a new rule was when you mulligan twice your
opponent starts to draw prizes. Anyway, heres the tourney..

Round 1- Ryan Feretini

I don't know this kid and he seemed like he was playing a haymaker. It
wasn't good at all though. One of his haymaker Pokemon was Jigglypuff! It
was king of easy. I mulligined once but I started with a Hitmonchan so it
was worth it. I killed a Jigglypuff on turn 2 but then h sent out a another
Hitmonchan. Goody, but luckily trainers gave me them win. I used an energy
removal, stopping him from S. Punching, and I used a pluspower. Yehhh! Win
for me.

Round 2- Entrance to Quarter Finals

His name was Sean. It seemed like he could never get the right pokemon. It
was a fire grass deck and I had to hand it to him, it was very well built.
He had a 3 turn Venusaur but my electabuzz was out there pouring damage on
fast. 110 damage in 4 turns. His rapidash ended that streak. He had a fossil
magmar on the bench (I traded his a Nidorina for it later) and he had a
charmander out active after his Rapidash fell to a Hitmonchan. I won but he
kept doing little bits of damage to Chan. I kept getting tails on smokecreen
to. That was annoying.

Round 3-Quarter Finals

Since there were 6 people left it was actually a tri final thing where we
had to pick pieces of paper and it said who would continue to the actual
semi-finals. Yeh, I got in! My friend Alex didn't though. 

Round 4- Semi-Finals

I totally blew it this time. He started with a freaking Machop thay became
Machoke turn three, against Electabuzz! I had a Hitmonchan on the bench that
killed the Machoke but out came a Fossil Gastly that licked me to oblivion.
It was a psy fighting deck and his name was Harris Cetron.

I won 2 boosters and a certificate. One was fossil and one wa jungle. I got
a electrode and a Moltres non-holos.

Thanxs, Neal SenGupta