Oh well, my very first tournament, finally. It's hard finding one when ya live in an extremely rural town. :)  Anyway, the tournament was held at Dr. Bob's Game Shop in Huntsville, AL. There were about 17-20 participants, but there were only four in my age group, which meant that I was automatically in the semifinals. That was nice :) Anyway, for the deck:
Balloon Brigade ver. 2.0
4 Scythers
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Clefairy
2 Clefable
2 Chansey
3 Bills
2 Prof. Oaks
3 Item Finders
1 Computer Search
1 Lass
4 Energy Removal
3 Super Energy Removal
3 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up
16 Grass Energy
4 Double Colorless
What is weird is that right before the tourney, I was about to replace the Clefs with Muks/Grimers, but the judges said that I couldn't, as I had already registered and the tourney was about to begin. Clefables ended up winning for me.
Round 1 vs. Chris  (I'm not very good with names)
Well, Chris was playing fire/psychic. I didn't see much of his deck except for Clefairy and Mr. Mime. I don't remember this round too well, but I know he had a terrible draw. Jigglyuff took care of the mime, and Chansey caused the Clefairy to kill itself. He metronomed Double Edge, saying that Chansey does 80 to itself and Clefairy takes no damage. The judge came and said he was wrong, and Clefairy died. He was pretty cool about it, though.
Record: 1-0
Round 2 vs. Larry
Larry's the guy I took the idea for this deck from. He was playing a modified experimental version with Pinsirs instead of Clefs. Needless to say, it was a bad change. My ER and Scythers quickly ate up his Pinsirs. I had KO'ed about 3 of his Pokemon before he finally killed one of my damaged Scythers. I noticed his deck was getting low on cards, and stalled with Scoop Ups and Chanseys. He finally Oaked to deck himself on purpose, knowing that he had no chance to win. This
Record: 2-0
Round 3 vs. ???
This guy was playing Electric/Colorless. He wasn't in my age group, but he was undefeated. Why, I don't know. I didn't see much of his deck, but my dancin' Scythers quickly took care of whatever he put out.
Record: 3-0
Round 4 vs. the judge's daughter
She was only about 7, but she seemed extremely good for her age. She was playing Raindance, but all I ever saw were Magikarps and Gyradoses. She managed to kill one of my Scythers and do 60 to one of my Clefables...But I metronomed Flail for 60 dmg. to win it. Woohoo!
Record: 4-0
Round 5: Semifinals vs. the other guy in my age group
Uggggh! Clefable vs. Pidgey! It went this way for about 7 turns, before I could finally kill the Pidgey because of stupid Whirlwind. Then it was vs. Moltres. It took me 5 turns to finally get a heads on Dive Bomb to win.
Record: 5-0
Round 6: Finals vs. Larry
This was basically the same as the first match, except that he was able to dominate later in the game. By the end, he had 2 Wigglys built up, a Pinsir, and 3 Scythers. Unfortunately for him and fortunately for me, he only had a few cards left in his deck. I once again decked him.
We had agreed to split the prizes beforehand, so I ended up with one 1st Ed. pack of Fossil and 6.50 store credit. I got a non-foil Hypno. I ended up being the only undefeated person there.
Now, for the mandatory props and slops:
PROPS to Dr. Bob's for holding a tourney, even if it is 60 miles from my house.
PROPS to all the players, for being cool.
PROPS to Larry for giving me the deck idea in the first place.
SLOPS to Dr. Bob for charging $2 for a fossil uncommon.
SLOPS to luck for giving everyone I faced bad draws.
Well, until next time...
Wes Camp