What's up pojo! My name is Isaiah. I went to the Pokemon TCG League at TOYS
on 10/30/99
My deck is:
12fighting energy

9psychic energy
1 Mr.Mime

2grass energy

3double colerless

2gust of wind
2super energy removal
3energy removal

Round 1
   First I battle a kid who had psychic and fighting. After I drew my seven
cards. I lost the coin toss,and had to re-shuffle my deck because I had no
basics. I drew jigglypuff and gastly. He drew machop, onix and base gastly.
I sent out gastly and he sent out machop. He didn't have any energy,so it
was my turn. After I gave gastly a psy energy I drew a wigglytuff. Then did
lick. It paralyzed it. Once agian he did not draw a energy.I gave
jigglypuff a double colerless, and evolved it. Then I did lick and
paralyzed it . Finally he drew a figting energy and did nothing because of
resistance. I killed machop.I got a sandshrew as a prize and a dratini from
my deck.My deck got him scared co he gave up.
1win,0 loses

Next I drew7 cards and one the toss. I knew this would be easy because all
he had was 2magmar and a vulpix. I drew a jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, and
gastly.I sent out jigglypuff on his vulpix.I drew a double colerless
and did pound. He didn't have any energy. I played my wigglytuff with a psy
energy and did do the wave.Idrew sandshrew as a prize.then he magmar in
play with no energy cards. Then I drew a gastly and did do the wave.he told
me to go so I did do the wave and drew  another sandshrew. Once again he
told me to go.Laughing in my head I won with do the wave

The next  person was easy.he sent out a bellsprout after I won the toss. I
sent out gastly and paralyzed him.
Then all of a suden he started cursing about how he knew I was going to
beat him. He saw all my other battles so he gave up.
Then we left.

I'm e-mailing you from my cousins computer. If you want to e-mail me back
I'm at kosborne@compuserve.com.Talk with you later.