Comic world manassas,virginia'just told u,the 13th of november, id say only
like 10 this time
this deck does good
3 Bulbasaur
2 Ivysaur
1 Venusaur
2 Pinsir
2 Scyther
3 Weedle
2 Kakuna
1 Beedrill
3 New Gastly
2 New Haunter
1 Gengar
2 Chansey
8 Psychic
16 Gr
2 Bill
2 Gust of Wind
2 Pokecenter
2 Gambler
ok homies just because i didnt write grass right last time ahwell it
happened on the messege board i copied and pasted
single elimination tourney
first round
faced a grass electric i started out with scyther he ruffed up a
oddish the some grimer kept him paralized for ahwhile before i retreated him
and 30
was dealt then bulbasuar did him in then comes the evil venomoth he confused
and killed bulba so i brought out a beedrill he piosonpowder no pioson
then he ser me and confused and piosoned me so i retreated and brought
scyther with no energy then retreated agian and brought out beedrill agian
and piosonpowdered (i had venusaur) and killed him then killed another i
forgot what it was
then beedrill got killed and then i double edged twice for a win
2nd round
seemed to be easy scyther and pinsir and gengar ruffed up em all
first scyther got 2 kills a sandshrew and onix evil then pinsir got a
kadabra after it continuiosly messed me up pinsir died by another kadabra
then comes the mighty gengar he takes out kadabra then comes abra his
atempted to paralize he so i failed killed abra and i have been puting
damage on
a hitmochan the whole time so he died with no problem
3rd round
screwed over agian what i must work on my weakness to fire this time
like charmeolon messed me up the whole time frst charmander took pinsir then
scyther then evolved to charmeolon and killed beedrill and venusaur im
totally amazed now im wondering why wont charmeolon be a good boy and just
DIE!!!!! so then he took gastlies life finally after one piece of crap
riuned my
chances i lost after a weedle was sorely defeated ding ding knock out but
this was a very quick i liked it i still think this deck is better then
old darkbeam
my email is heflinr@msn.com
my name is kyle heflin thanx