Well, I've tried this deck at Silver Cactus Comics at Las Vegas, Nevada
and ranked 5th place.  I'm 13 and well, anyways here's the deck.

Basic Pokemon:
x4 Scyther: The Starter.
x4 Hitmonchan: Get in quick attacks with little energies
x4 Electabuzz: Same as Hitmonchan and to stall
x2 Ponyta: Just if someone has a grass deck

x4 Bill: Help you get the cards you need
x4 Energy Removal: To keep your opponents helpless
x4 Plus Power: To make your opponents Pokemon faint quickly
x3 Super Energy Removal: Same as Energy Removal
x2 Computer Seach: Just incase you need any cards
x2 Item Finder: If you need any trainers
x1 Energy Retrieval:    If you don't have the correct energy for your Pokemon

x8 Fighting
x7 Grass
x7 Electric
x4 Double Colorless

    Well, thats my deck and here's how I did in the tournament.

    1st round: Chris(Me) Vs Amir: He had a Water/Fire deck and he got out
Moltres, but he couldn't build it up because I used energy removals and I
killed it with my Scyther.  1 win for me.  2nd match: He beat my Himonchans
with his Poliwrath.  3rd match: I killed his water Pokemon with my Scythers
and Electabuzzes.

    2nd round: Chris Vs Jerret(oh no my friend): Well, he has a
Grass/Colorless Deck.
First Match: He won since I didn't get the right energies for my Pokemon. 2nd
match: he Poisonedmy Pokemon and I didn't get enough energies to retreat
them, dammit he won again.

    3rd round: Chris Vs Um... Forgot his name: He had a rainbow deck.  For
all of you who don't know what a rainbow deck is are lucky that I'm going to
explain it to you. A rainbow deck is a deck with all the kinds of energies in
it.(water, fire, electric, grass, psychic,fighting, and Colorless) Well,
anyways I got some plus powers and won the round in less than 5 minutes.

    I didn't make it to the finals because I loss once.  I'm planning to go
back there this weekend.  My deck always has room for improvement.  If you
have any suggestions e-mail at my screen name GengarMstr@aol.com.  Wish me luck at
the tournament!