his deck is called Quick Strike adn it is
a Haymaker Potporri varient. I
played with is at RPG Outpost in Glenside,PA. This was the first Sat
of the
Pokemon League!! There were only 14 people there for the first
showing and I
earned the maxium of 200 points! Well here is my deck, then the
7 fighting energy
3 hitmonchan
6 electric energy
3 electabuzz
3 grass energy
3 scyther
5 psychic energy
3 Mr. Mime
2 Ponyta
4 double colorless energy
2 energy removial
4 S.E.R.
2 plus power
2 computer search
2 item finder
2 bill and Oak
2 scoop up
First game: played against Jack, my rival, he beat me last tourny. He
a wierd haymaker.
All he got was scyther. Ponyta got a DCE and two smash kick for the
Second game: Played a wigglytuffs mofia deck. It has wigglytuff
alakazam and
chansey. All he got was a little abra which I plus powered and jabbed
I beat the 2 and 3 best people in the store. They got bad draws.
Third game. Played a fire water deck. I didn't get energy
until about have
way throught, but I stalled until then with Mr. Mime against a magmar.
energized a hitmon and went on a special punch spree!! Thank G-D for
Game four: A psychic/fighting deck I built for my friend. It
was a really
good deck but her limited suplies couldn't make it that good. I win. Forget
what happened.
Game 5: Played another fire water. All she got were a
jigglypuff and a
eevee. Killed them with Hitmonchan.
Game 6 and 7: The people didn't want to play because they were tired. 2
default victories.
Props: Bill for opening the store early so we had it all to
slops: to Jack and Jim for getting crappy hands so it wasn't a challenge to
beat them.
E mail me at Mario320@AOL.com Michael Resnick