(editor's note:  This deck stretches the limit of what I will post.  For those reading, the deck followed all the rules, and gave a report.  If you read the report, though, it tells nothing of his match-ups, or overall how the tournament went.  Please tell us some detail in your reports.  If you don't give detail and tell us WHY you won or lost, the report is worthless to us.  -Scott)

Hi. I competed in a tounament held in Orangeville, Ontario, Canada. It was
held at the Dreamers Mansion. I went 6-0. This deck worked GREAT for me and
I hope it will work Great for you too. I even beat a Electric deck with it!

Water Kingdom Consists of


3 Squirtle
3 Wartortle
1 Blastoise
3 Eevee
1 Vaporeon
3 Poliwag
2 Poliwhirl
1 Blastoise
3 Kangaskhan

2 Double Colorless
28 Water Energy

4 Bills ( I don't need to explain)
1 Computer Search
2 Energy Removals
1 Super Energy Removal
1 Pokemon Breeder
1 Energy Retrieval

This Deck works WONDERS if used right.

The way to use it is:

Draw out as many pokemon as you can and stall with
Kangaskhans. After you have a Blastoise or Poliwrath or Vaporeon. Send it
out for the kill. Make sure to Energize your Pokemon Like Heck! The Key To
this Deck is Blastoises Pokemon Power and Kangaskhans to stall.

Thi is how the tourney went.

1st Match.
I whipped him with a Blastoise.
I was lucky to get Squirtle and Blastoise in my first hand. the rest was all
up to Pokemon Breeder and Blastoises pokemon power.
AH HA HA HA! I am now 1-0

2nd Match.
This was the easiest match of my life. It was over before it started. The
judge found him rigging his Riachu to be on top. He was disqualified. I in.
The wrath of Water Kingdom goes on. 2-0

3rd Match.
This match was easy considering he had 6 color pokemon in his deck. I killed
him with a Kangaskhan.
I prevaile over other once again. 3-0

4th Match.
This match was a blur. It is too long from what I remember to explain.
Yeah, I'm in the Semi-Finals! 4-0. Championship. Here I come.

5th Match.
If I win this I am in the finals.
I decked him with a Eevee. How do this kid get so far?

6th Match.
Lets just say I had to use a Blastoise and a Poliwrath to take one of this
girls pokemon down. All i had left was a Vaporeon. Luckly for me, her mom
called her and said it was an emergency. I WIN! I WIN YEAH!
6-0! Water Kingdom never fails a good trainer. Ah HA HA HA!

I won 2 Boosters with this deck.
I got Hitmonchan for my Hitmonchamp deck and a Flareon Holo for myAdvanced
Flame Thrower Deck!
Remember to e-mail me at alakazam2000@hotamail.com my name is Umar and
E-mail me all your PokeProblems.