Deja Vu Games
103 Queen St S Unit #1
Kitchener, Ontario
N2G 1W1
(519) 576-9674 
DCI Sanctioned Tournament
Saturday, September 18, 1999 at 2:00
Approx. Participants-17
    Well it's an week at Deja Vu Games and it was the toughest one yet, well they get tougher almost every week with more participants and more people using "tournament quality" decks.  I met up with my good friend Alex K. at Deja Vu and I again lent him some cards to help out his Wiggly Speed deck.  We were both there at 1:00 PM, playing and preparing for the tournament.  At about 1/4 to 1 a army of kids and older kids piled in and were getting the DCI cards, I was surprised of the somewhat overwhelming turn out...About 17 or so people were signed up and ready to play.
    Again I used Haymaker Potpourri, (Scott Gerhardt's deck) and again I made NO modifications, here is the deck list.
Haymaker Potpourri
Energy: 22
7 Fighting
6 Lighting
6 Psychic
3 Double Colorless
Pokemon: 14
3 Hitmonchan
3 Electabuzz
3 Mr. Mime
3 Scyther
1 Kangaskhan
1 Ponyta
Trainers: 24
3 Bill
3 Professor Oak
3 Gust of Wind
3 Super Energy Removal
2 Energy Removal
2 Plus Power
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Item Finder
2 Scoop Up
1 Computer Search 
1 Lass
    Now for what happened at the tournament, I'm not sure what happened, but there was only 5 rounds this week, I'm guessing that he decreased the amount of rounds to make the tournament go quicker.
Round 1-VS Mike ?. with Mono/Water
Fairly easy match, my Hitmonchan gets so quick kills on a Meowth and Eevee with the help of Pluspower.  A Gyarados attempts to place a stall, but I get G.O.W. and kill another Eevee.  By now I have gotten 3 Prizes, he sends his Gyarados back out but I just Scoop Hitmonchan and bring Electabuzz into the action.  Item Finder for G.O.W. and destroy a magicarp, Scyther then comes into play and his Gyarados is finally able to attack after several S.E.R. and E.R. played against it.  Gyarados does 50 to my Buzz, but I just Scoop him up and send out my Scyther and kill the Gyarados and unpowered Eevee for the win.  I lost no Pokemon which surprised Mike quite a bit.
Record: 1-0
3 Points
Round 2-VS ??? ?. with Fighting/Water
He was and older guy, but not very skilled,  he played with Machops, Rhyhorn and the Poli. Line and I think a couple of Eevee's for the colorless portion, again it was a fairly easy match, I didn't see much energy early but S.E.R. and E.R. helped me out until Prof. Oak was obtained, I get just what I needed a Scyther, and of course a handy arsenal of Trainers and Energy, My Scyther pretty much dominated the whole game and was nearly untouched, his Squirtle got a Bubble but no Paralyze and I killed it next turn with a Pluspower and slash, the rest of the game was very good to me and very bad for him, he wasn't able to get any energies and I don't think he played with Bills or Oaks, so I was safe, Scyther Killed a Machoke, Poliwrath, Rhyhorn and another Eevee, Scyther pretty mush terminated anything he could dish out.  I win and again my opponent did not draw a single prize, I'm feeling pretty confidant.
Record: 2-0
6 Points
Round 3-Alex K. with Fighting/Grass or just Wiggly Speed
Great my friend and enemy when it comes to Pokemon,  This was LONG game it went almost right to the 20 Min. which is not that common with my matches, I get some early kills with my Hitmo. and Ponyta was able to cripple several Scythers that he kept retreating, I was able to get down to 4 prizes, I force him to Oak, discarding 2 Wigglytuffs along with like another Oak.  So Wiggly shouldn't be to much of a threat any longer so I can worry a little less.  He starts gaining momentum when a wave of E.R. and S.E.R. hits me, I'm starting to slow down now and he is beginning to make a come back, I Oak again my second now and I really did not want to since Alex will stall for as long as possible since he has the prizes tied at 4-4 now.  And will attempt a quick kill and stall, the odds are still on his side since I can only find Hitmonchans and Mr. Mimes, but I make the best out of my own S.E.R. and G.O.W. and I'm able to snatch 2 prizes to while Alex was able to get 1.  The prizes are now at 2 left for me and 3 left for him, My deck is down to very little and I'm hoping to get a Lass, since his deck is 1 card more then mine, and I know I cant stall for that long and I can't kill anything since most of my energy was all wasted by his E.R. and S.E.R. I begin saving trainers in my hand I can only hold 3 in my hand and fear it won't be enough to get my deck big enough.  I draw a Lass, *Phew* He plays a couple more trainers, and has I think like 4 cards in his hand, so when I have nothing in my Library I Lass and put the 3 trainers back into my deck while he only had one trainer in his hand, a Prof. Oak, so the decks are now mine at 3 and his at 2, Now all I need to do is stall.  For 2 turns, I just stall with My Mime for the rest of the game and he isn't able to get his Pinsir ready fast enough, so I win by a deck win. 
Record: 3-0
9 Points
Round 4-VS Troy S. with Haymaker
I thought Troy would use his Raindance again, but he didn't and used a Haymaker deck.  This surprised some what, but I was ready for it.  Again this match was LONG and very tiresome, His Haymaker is a little slow, I think he only plays with 1 Oak, While I Oaked 2 twice and Billed multiple times.  I had a chance for some quick upsets, but luck was against me and couldn't get the right flips with Electabuzz, I can't remember much about the match, but I was able to get a quick head start on prizes bring mine down to 3 and his at 5, but again he caught up with me and brought it a little closer, me at 1 and him at 2, I goes defensive sending out his healthiest Pokemon trying to stall me since I had 3 left in my deck, But he made a crucial mistake leaving a Scyther with 30 damage on it against my Scyther, supported by Good old Mr. Mime in the back, I retreat and bring on down Mime and Meditate for the win.  We shook hands and I said "Great Game!", because it was, he is now a player for me to look out for.
Record: 4-0
12 Points
Round 5-VS Rafel ?. with Fire/Lighting
Previous to this match Alex told me to look out for him, he cheats BIG time.  So I took his advice and watched this guy a little closer, he tried looking at his prizes, but I caught him and told him to set another 6 out.  He did so, I make a my own mistake and get carless think I'll win.  It looks good for until his Growlithe kills my Mime and he removals my Buzz, I send out my lone electabuzz with no energy and no lighting energy in hand, his Growlithe has 3 energies on it and there is nothing I can do to stop, he could be bluffing that he has a Arcanine, but I don't know.  I already used a Comp. Search to get that buzz in the first place for some bench support, when I should have Oaked....I play down Psy energy onto him and hope he is bluffing, well he's not and does take down for the win...After the match some of the other kids who he beat told me a similar thing happens to them, which means he stacks.  Which was also another fault on my part since I should have cut his deck.  Well a lose is a lose :) No poor sport here.
12 Points
So Round 5 was the end of it and I was surprised it ended at that point, but I don't care since I came first.  Alex, Troy and I all had the same record but I had a better Tie Breaker, since I beat them both earlier :)  So I got 4 Packs of Boosters, 2 Jungle 1st Edition and 2 Base set boosters.    I got a 1st Edt. Holo Mr. Mime, 1st Edt. Nidoqueen in the Jungle Packs, and in the Base set I got a Beedrill and a Electabuzz.  I traded away my Mr. Mime, along with 11 Psy. Energy for a Hitmonchan and Electabuzz, to a guy who was looking into playing Pokemon.
Now its time for this weeks PROPS and SLOPS!
PROPS to Deja Vu Games, again for having another great and organized tournament.
PROPS to Alex K. and Troy S. for coming so close to beating me.
PROPS to my first 2 opponents for giving so easy wins.
SLOPS to Rafel and his little goons for making the tournament a little less enjoyable, pretty much being poor sports.
Well that's all for this week, until next week everyone, I'll be booked with a wave of homework :)  Yeah, it sucks, but if I do it now then I'll have time for tournaments :)  Safe playing everyone!
Ryan T.