Books A Million
Macon ,Georgia
Sept 18,1999
25 people
Single elimination
Hi,here is my deck that I used in a tourney.It uses fighting,psychic,and lightning pokemon.
    Pokemon  24
4   hitmonchan
3   diglett
2   dugtrio
2   cubone
2   marowak
3   abra
2   kadabra
1   Mr.  Mime
1   jynx
3   electabuzz
1   farfetch,d
    Trainers   6
3   pokeballs
1   computer  search
1   potion
1   switch
    Energy  30
13   fighting energy
10   psychic energy
7     lighting  energy
This is how it went.
Game 1 against a fire deck.
This kid for some reason loves charmanders.He put down a growlithe and three charmanders.I put down a hitmonchan and a cubone.I go first so I put an energy on Hitmonchan and attacked for 20 on his charmander.He scratches me for 10.I draw a card and I get Marowak.I then evolved cubone into a marowak and put an energy on him.Attack with jab again.He attacks me with ember.Hitmonchan is down to 30 HP.I put a electabuzz on my bench.I put one more energy on marowak and then use switch on Hitmonchan.I attack with boomerang and do 30 damage to his now dead charmander.I killed the rest of his pokemon with boomerang.
Game   2  against a rainbow deck
He gets out 1 pokemon which is a Mr.  Mime.I get out a Hitmonchan and a abra.I put an energy on abra and attack him with psyshock for 20 and paralyze him.He puts a red energy on Mr. Mime.I attack with abra again to kill him.
Game  3 a grass deck and another color
This game was way to easy.He put a Scyther down as his active because he knew I had fighting pokemon in my deck.I put an abra as my active.He went first and reatreated his scyther for a nidoran male ( that was a big mistake ).Put an energy on abra and attacked for 20 and paralyzed.He put an energy on his nidoran.I put 1 more energy on abra and attacked again to kill his pokemon.
He put his Scyther in its place and put one grass energy on it.I evolved my abra into kadabra and added an energy so now I used super psy on Scyther.He attacked me with slash.I got a potion and used it on kadabra.I then attacked for 50 to win by taking out all his basics.
Game  4   bye
Game  5  against a lightning deck( the final game )
Im so lucky I can do doulble damage to this deck.I get 2 Hitmonchans,a pokeball, an electabuzz,and some energy.I go first so I put an energy on hitmonchan and attack and kill his pikachu.In  its place he puts an electabuzz and attacks me.The coin lands on heads so I'm paralyzed.I use pokeball to try to get 1 more hitmonchan.It works so I put it on my bench.I put an energy on 1 of my benched hitmonchans.After 2 turns my active hitmonchan dies so I bring in a fully loaded Hitmonchan.I attack with special punch to kill his electabuzz.The rest of the game I just killed 2 pikachu,1 raichu, and 2 magnemites all with hitmonchan.
I got 3 free booster packs and a alakazam.
Kevin Lindsay,
I do play pokemon on the internet using apprentice