The Perfect Haymaker

Wuzzup Pojo!

Here’s a deck I built which I think is the "Perfect" Haymaker. It is a typical Haymaker deck, tuned to perfection. This deck is a remake of my previous "Perfect" Haymaker, which was changed due to the release of Jungle. I have played in two tournaments with this deck and won both of them. This deck is also "perfect" in non-tournament play (13-0). The deck is pretty good, but then again, so is every Haymaker.

4 Hitmonchan

4 Electabuzz

4 Scyther

2 Jigglypuff

4 Bill

4 Energy Removal

4 Pluspower

4 Super Energy Removal

3 Gust of Wind

2 Professor Oak

2 Scoop Up

10 Fighting Energy

9 Lightning Energy

4 Double Colorless Energy

Here are the results of a tournament I entered on 9/10/99 at Beyond Fantasy in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Twelve people showed up, including myself. It was a round robin tournament, where we were split up into two groups of six. The two players with the best records in their groups play against the two best players in the other group in the semi-final match-ups. The winners face off in the finals for ten second edition booster packs of their choice.

First Match against some kid named Dale??? and his Psychic-Lightning deck.

I had a Scyther & Jigglypuff. He had a Mewtwo and two Pikachus. I retreated Scyther to bring out Jigglypuff. I had energy on both of my pokemon as he dumped his energy on Mewtwo for Barrier. I killed Mewtwo shortly after, drew Hitmonchan and killed 3 Pikachus with it. The deck he used looked a lot like the ZAP theme deck and he had the ZAP box for it too. Easy Win. (1-0)

Second Match against Andrew and his colorless deck.

I played him once before. He claimed that his colorless deck is effective because you don’t have to wait for the right type of energy to come out. He doesn’t realize that his whole deck has a weakness to fighting. It was about my sixth turn when I drew my Hitmonchan, while I held off his Wigglytuff with Electabuzz and Scyther. I jabbed the crap out of Chansey, Kangaskhan, another Wigglytuff, and 2 Tauros. (2-0)

Third Match against Dan and his Charizard deck

I started with a Hitmonchan with one fighting energy on it and I had a Scoop Up. I killed his Chansey and his Magmar while I slowed down his Charmeleon with an energy removal and a super energy removal. He eventually evolved it into a Charizard but with energy on it. I took advantage of this and used Gust of Wind on Charizard, scooped up Hitmonchan to bring out Electabuzz and killed Charizard before he even reached 2 fire energy. He had used up all of his energy on Charizard so I made short work of his Magmar, Electabuzz and Charmander. Even if I didn’t energy remove his charmeleon, he would have only killed one of my guys before Charizard was wasted. Who says Charizard is one of the best cards in the game? (3-0)

Fourth Match against Brendan and his haymaker.

He was also 3-0 so this match was crucial if I wanted to hold first place in my group. We both started with a Scyther and a Hitmonchan. He went first and had a Double Colorless Energy so his Scyther had the upper hand. I didn’t want to bring out my Hitmonchan because it was useless against a Scyther. He killed my Scyther and I oaked in desperation. I got an Electabuzz, a Jigglypuff, and two Energy Removals. He killed my Hitmonchan with Scyther, retreated and killed my Jigglypuff, and 2 Electabuzzes. Even the perfect haymaker is no match for the perfect hand. (3-1)

Fifth Match against Jason?? with his Invisible Wall Deck.

He seemed to like his starting hand. This was bad because we both only lost to Brendan and another loss would end my day. He started with a Chansey, which I beat down slowly with my Electabuzz. Meanwhile he put down Mr. Mime and evolved his Abra into Alakazam via Pokemon Breeder. He brought out his Mr. Mime but I used Gust of Wind to bring out his Alakazam, and energy removaled it to prevent it from retreating any time soon. I beat it down with the Electabuzz but he swapped the damage to Kadabra and Mr. Mime. I Gusted the Kadabra and killed it. Mr. Mime came out and finished off my Electabuzz. I brought out a Scyther, drew a Jigglypuff, retreated my Scyther to put out Jigglypuff. With Jigglypuff, I pounded Mr. Mime, Alakazam, and another Abra. I was lucky he didn’t draw a Pokemon Center.(4-1)

Semi-Final Match against B.J. and his Raindance Deck.

I beat him in the finals last time I won a tournament but he had a Venucenter deck. He started with a Kangaskhan, and a Squirtle. I had an Electabuzz and a Jigglypuff. I started with a Gust of Wind and killed the Squirtle. When the Squirtle died he had 3 energy on the Kangaskhan and next turn had 4 for the Comet Punch. He killed my Electabuzz in 2 hits. He brought out a Chansey, and a Squirtle on the bench, which he evolved into Blastoise. I killed Chansey slowly. He brought out Blastoise, his last pokemon, and killed Jigglypuff. I brought out a Hitmonchan, used professor oak, and drew three energy removals. I used them all and killed the Blastoise. All he had left was a Magikarp which died quickly. Tough battle.

Final Match against Brendan.

It was like Deja vu. Scyther vs. Scyther, his going first. This time, I got a Double Colorless Energy, a Pluspower, and 2 Energy Removals. I killed his Scyther before his could damage mine. Next, I killed a Kangaskhan. He then brought out an Electabuzz and killed my Scyther in two hits. I brought out Hitmonchan and killed his Electabuzz, his Hitmonchan, a Jigglypuff and another Electabuzz. A surprisingly easy win against a formidable but unlucky opponent.

I got my 10 boosters, (I chose all base set) and got a Zapdos, a Venusaur, a Mewtwo, Beedrill, Dragonair, Pidgeotto, and the rest of the rares were trainers.

If you don’t think my "Perfect" Haymaker isn’t Perfect, or if you have Questions or Comments, e-mail me at

Next: The "Perfect" Mr. Mime Deck…