My deck name is InSaNe Tuff . I recently played a tourney in El Paso Texas at Beanie Planet on the 8 of April . It was fun and I had a blast!!! Anyway here is my deck....
InSaNe Tuff
4 fossil magmar
4 jigglypuff
3 wigglytuff
3 mr.mime
1 promo movie mewtwo
4 bill  (duh)
4 oak (duh)
3 computes search
3 plus power
3 energy removal
2 gust of wind
2 switch
2 super energy removal
2 energy retrieval
2 scoop up
7 fire
7 psy
4 double colorless
strategy- (this is easy) wigglytuff turn 2 with a full bench
round 1
bye (yes!!)
round 2
vs Paul With a raindance wiggly
This one was easy it and it was against my best friend!  :-Ţ  Anyways I got wiggly on turn 3 and and just started wavin bye bye. I needed only one prize after wiggly died and then sent out mewtwo I gusted his mewtwo and k.o.ed it!!
round 3
vs Sam with haunter and hitmonchan deck
Nothen much happened got wiggly out against his hitmonchan and got k.o.ed quickly but came back with a psy burning from mewtwo and defeated his fighting deck.
round 4
vs Trevor with potpourri
Nother easy one got wiggly turn two with a full bench after the pokégod oak!!!  End of story(in other words easy win)
vs Justin with a double trouble raindance(with 2 of every water evolution)
I got mewtwo out computer searched with a psy and a fire energy for an oak, attached a psy and absorbed. He bubbled with squirtle and the coin flip was......TAILS. next turn I psy burned his squirtle followed by his magic**p's (2) for the victory!!!!
vs Chris with a hitmonchan and hitmonlee deck
This was tough he played fighting I started with magmar vs his lickitung after getting 50 on him I retreated for wiggly and k.o.ed him. Out comes hitmonlee for the K.O. I thought it was over. Magmar came out and 3 turns later I drew....Computer search!!!! I oaked after using computer search to get oak and got the holy mewtwo!!! Retreated magmar sent out mewtwo and SER then absorbed. The rest was psy burning through hitmonchan's and hitmonlee's .
I WON!!!!!!
In the end I got 10 bucks store credit bought a base 2 pack and pulled a blastoise!!!! score!! I kept the left over money for later.
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ps Paul :-Ţ typed this (Thanks Paul)