Hey, Pojo. This is a report from a Pojo Aprentince League tournament.
I usually use a very standard Haymaker in these tournaments, but I
decided to test my favorite deck. I made this first with my own cards,
then translated it to Apprentice.
3 Krabby
2 Kingler
4 Squirtle
3 Wartortle
1 Blastoise
2 Magikarp(only 2 cuz so weak, don't want to blow a game on them)
2 Gyarados
2 Hitmonlee
2 Hitmonchan
3 Machop(excellent basic)
15 Water Energy
14 Fighting Energy
1 Computer Search
1 Pokemon Trader
3 Energy Removal
2 Gust of Wind
3 Bill
2 Proffessor Oak
~~~~~~Round 1 vs. ???Maker~~~~~~~~
This deck was FAST! He got a Scyther out on the first draw, powered it
up, and blew my Squirtle away. I forgot about that dang bench
rule(about how if your active gets koed, and you have no bench, you
lose) so I lost. However, the judge was waiting for everyone to check
in before the next round, and some people didn't, so he let me back in.
~~~~~~~~~Round 2 vs. Psy/Electric~~~~~~~~~
He got a movie Mewtwo on the first draw, and I got a Squirtle,
Wartortle,Blastoise, and some energies. I can't stand those Mewtwos.
of them'll wipe my deck out (usually). I played my Squirtle with an
energy and bubbled, no para. He used energy absorption. I attached
another energy to Squirtle, played an energy removal, and used bubble.
Paralized! He played another movie Mewtwo on his bench and passed. I
evolved to Wartortle, then slapped Blasty on him and Raindanced to blow
Mewtwo away. He moved his Mewtwo up, attached an energy, and use
absorption. I played a Chan with energy, and blasted him with 60. He
used psy burn. I oaked and picked up a Magikarp and Gyarados with
energy. I Raindanced to them, and koed his Mewtwo. He came at me
a Buzz, and killed my Blastoise. I played Gyarados, and finished the
~~~~~~~Round 3 vs. Fire/Colorless~~~~~~~~~
I pulled Krabby, Kingler, and energies. With Krabby out, he played a
Magmar, who got blown away in a few turns by Kingler. Another Mars and
a Charmander ended the match.
~~~~~~~~~~~Round 4 vs. DittoMaker~~~~~~~~~~~
He played a quick Ditto with a DCE and attacked my Krabby. I laid a
Squirtle on my bench, seeing that Krabby was gonna get wasted. I
attached an energy and passed. He attacked again. I looked at my
and my heart jumped. I had a Wartortle, Blastoise, and plenty of water
energy! I slapped Wartortle on Squirtle, and attached an energy. He
koed my Krabby. I sent out Blastoise and Raindanced. I GoW'ed Ditto
for an un-powered Scyther, and Pumped him. He passed. I played a
with energy and koed Scyther. Back with another Scyther, he GoW'ed for
Chan, and slashed for 60. I retreated him, and knocked him out with
Blastoise. Eventually, he was able to ko Blasty, and I had to play
Chan. I knew we had less than a minute left, so I stalled. He
beat my Squirtle with Scyther in sudden death.
Props-Me for not playing my Haymaker
Props-Zerosk8er (judge) for organizing it
Slops-WEYKOOL for being a jerk in round 4