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Hitmonchan 3x Bill 22x Fighting Energy
4x Scyther 3x
Pluspower 4x D.C.E.
3x Hitmonlee 3x E.R.
3x Jigglypuff 3x G.O.W.
2x Wigglytuff 2x Comp.
Energy Retreival
Scoop Up
2x S.E.R.
Raindance: Get out a fully Pumped Hitmonlee, Scyther, And wigglytuff(with full bench) and annihalate the big turtle.
Swap: Let them swap, then bring in the hitmonlee and the G.O.W. and gust and stretch kick away.
Haybreakers(haymaker killers): Just hope you get the right pokemon...
Physic Decks: Wigglytuff and Scythers
Haymakers: Bring it on!
Denial: Better do it quick or you won't know what hit ya!
Round 1:
The Supreme Alliance Vs. Cory with Raindance
Big Fat Turtle(even though I like raindance) has come to challenge me round 1
in the tourney, Bring it on! We draw
our cards, i get a decent hand of 1 scyther, 1jigglypuff, 3 energy, 1 D.C.E.,
and a gust. He starts out with a lapras
and benches a Articuno, i send out scyther, he wins the toss and sends and
attaches his energy and water guns me.
I go, attach fighting energy(afraid of e.r.) and pass. He attaches another energy and water guns
me. I go, attach the D.C.E. and i slash
him. He goes, waterguns me, i go, draw
a hitmonchan, bench it, attach an energy onto it, and retreat the heavily
damaged scyther and promote my hitmonchan.
I jab him. He goes, water guns
me, i go draw a CPU search and i use it, loosing my 2 energies i drew, looked
for an oak, used it and got a god hand.
I get scyther, wiggly, 1 energy, 2 D.c.e., oak, and scoop up. I use the scoop up and get the scyther out
of there, lay him back down, and attach the D.C.E. to him, evolve the jiggly
into the wiggly, and i kill his lapras.
He brings in the articuno, and benches a squirtle. I go, get hitmonlee, bench it, attach and
energy onto wiggly and Gust out the squirtle and jabh him. He goes, attach energy onto articuno, and
evolves into wartortle(he has breeders 4 breeders, and 1 warturtle) and
passes. I go, attach a d.c.e. to scyther,
oak, and get all 3 pluspowers and some pokes.
I jab him. He goes, attaches
energy onto articuno and passes. I jab
him for the kill. He goes, attaches
energy onto articuno and brings him in and and freezedries me with para. I pass. he dries me again with para. I pass.
he kills chan. I bring in
Wigglytuff and use my do the wave attack with pluspowers. you do the math...(and if you can't... DO
I win
The Supreme Alliance Vs. Adam with Haymaker
Potpurri(electabuzz, promo mewtwo, scyther)
we know this will be a good game. I'm a
little nervous, but he looks confident like he's going to win. We draw our cards. I get a BAD hand.
Hitmonlee and nothing but energies. I send in hitmonlee, i win the toss and attach energy. He goes, and benches a electabuzz and has a
promo mewtwo active. Uh Oh. He attaches energy and passes. I go, attach energy and i stretch kick his
electabuzz. He goes, attaches energy
and passes. I go, draw my card, and
it's a scyther. I attach a D.C.E. to
him and stretch kick his electabuzz. He
goes, attaches energy and kills off hitmonlee.
I send in scyther, attach energy, and slash him. He goes, attaches energy onto his electabuzz
and psyburns me. I go, draw my card,
comp. search, i look for a pluspower, and i use the pluspower and i slash him
for the kill. He brings in electabuzz and shocks me without para. I go, slash him and he dies. I win because of no basics.
I win
The Supreme Alliance Vs. (drumroll...) Last Weeks
Champion, i finally figure his name, it's Mark, he plays mono colorless(it
actually works, scyther, clefable, wigglytuff, promo mewtwo twist)
Ok, after an embarrassing lost
last week, this game prov es to be more interstesting. He ends up mulliganing twice which gives me
a 4 card advantage. I get a pretty good
hand, some trainers, a lot of pokes, and little energy. I bench all the pokes and attach my little
energy, then search for oak, use it and get a decent hand of 2 plupower, scoop
up, and some more energy. I send out a
scyther, he with promo mewtwo and a full bench. He wins toss and attaches energy and passes. I go, attach energy onto scyther and
pass. He draws and passes. I go, attach a D.C.E. and i slash him with a
pluspower. He goes, attach a D.C.E. to
jigglypuff and evolves into clefable and wigglytuff and passes. I go, attach energy onto hitmonlee and slash
for the kill. He brings in wigglytuff,
benches a scyther and does the wave for 60, and attaches a pluspower and kills
me. I attach an energy onto hitmonlee
and bring in my hitmonlee, and i gust out a benched chansey and stretch kick
his scyther. He goes, attaches energy,
retreats and brings in wigglytuff and kills me. I bring in hitmonchan, attach energy and jab for 40, he goes,
does the wave for 60. I go, attach
energy onto another benched hitmonchan, scoop up my active hitmonchn, and bring
in the benched one(with the energy) and jab him for the kill. He goes, brings in scyther, attaches a
physic energy and passes. I go, get a
e.r. and i use it. I also attach energy
onto my benched jigglypuff and i comp search for an oak. I use it, and get a good hand. I get energy retrieval, S.E.R., wiggltuff,
scyther, hitmonlee, another jigglypuff, gust.
use my retrieval and loose a jigglypuff, and attach an energy onto my
scyther. He goes, attaches a d.c.e. and
passes. I go, attach energy onto my
scyther, and gust out a clefable, and jab it for 40. He goes, attach energy onto clefable and metronomes using special
punch. I go, attach energy onto scyther
and i kill him. He goes, brings in
scyther, attaches energy and kills my hitmonchan. I go, atach energy onto my wigglytuff, and i S.E.R. discarding an
energy off of my scyther, and i lullaby him.
he goes, flips tailes after my and his turn. i go, attach energy to wigglytuff and i do the wave for. He goes, flips tailes again, attaches energy
onto my hitmonlee, and i do the wave for the kill. he brings in scyther, and attaches
a grass and swords danced. I do the
wave. He slashes for 60, i do the wave
again and attach an energy onto my scyther and kill him. he brings in a jigglypuff, attaches a d.c.e.
and lullabys. i go, flip tails. He
goes, attaches energy and evolves into wigglytuff and does the wave for only
10. I go, flip tails again. he go, get's a clefairy and waves for the
kill. i attach energy onto scyther,
bring him in an slash. he benches a
promo mewtwo and does the wave for 30. I slash. He waves, i slash and he dies.
i win by getting all my prizes.
He is stunned by the loss and walks away congratulating me by shaking my
hand and walks off mumbling.
I win
he Supreme Alliance Vs.-dramatic
music- Steven With Haybreaker(Movie Mewtw, Scyther, Venomoths)
was the deck/game i dreaded most. I
didn't wanna play a haybreaker, which should be an archtype. I knew his game was going to be tough,
probably a loss. anyhow, we set up, and
draw our cards, i get 1 jigg, 2 chan, 4 energy. I benches venonat, Movie Mewtwo, and scythers, and has a mewtwo
active. I sent out jigg and benched the
chans. He gusts our chan, attaches
energy, discards 2, looks for oak, and oaks and aborsobs. i go, get and attach an energy onto my
benched chan and pass. He goes, and
kills chan. I attach a D.C.E. onto
jigglypuff, send in chan and jab him, he kills chan, i go, bring in jigg, and
pound him. He goes, burns for 10,
pound, burn, pound for the kill. He
brings in a fully pumped Scyther, and slashes.
i lullaby, he flips tales, i get a hitmonlee, bench it and i attach
energy and pound, he flips heads, and kills me. i bring in hitmonlee, attach energy and stretch kick venonat, he
slashes, I draw my card, and get a a a ....... ENERGY #&($^@%!!! i attach energy and i hi jump kick him for
20, he slashes and wins the game. i congratulate him and he jumps up and down
and says he looks forward to playing me again sometime. He's a pretty good sport.
I Loose
I tie with a lot of other people,
with my kind of record so i have to battle another person to get into the semi
Quarter Finals
The Supreme Alliance Vs. Antoine
with eletric and colorless deck
this game was mine, all pokemon with weakness.
he sends out a jungle set pikachu.
He goes, first, attaches energy and passes. I go, attach energy send out hitmonchan, comp search, look for a
pluspower, attach it, and jab for the first turn win.
I win
4-1 (advancing to semi-finals)
Standings as of now...
the supreme Alliance Vs. Maria with Damage Swap
game was more intersting. She benches a
abra, and sends out a chansey. I get
out hitmonchan, with scyther benched and a jiggly benched. I attach energy and jab. She attaches energy onto abra and
passes. i jab while attach a D.C.E to
scyther. He scoops up chansey, breeders
into alakzaam, and benches the chansey, attaches energy and passes. I go, attach energy onto my scyther, and
jab. he attaches energy and confuserays
me. I try to attack, and get heads, I,
i jab once again. She kills off
chan. I bring in scyther, and slash her. He swaps ALL dmage onto chansey. I was expecting this, and i searched for a
gust. I gust out chansey, and i slash
him. He's really ticked off, and swaps
70 damge onto kazaam. i slash him,
while drawing a pluspower. He passes. I slash again with the pluspower. he passes.
I slash his chansey and he's dead.
he brings in the alakzaam, and benches an abra, and confuserays me. I attack and flip tails. he confuses me again. i go, get a D.C.E. attach it to jiggly and
flip heads, and slash him he's dead. he
brings in abra, attaches energy and i'm dead.
i bring in jiggly and i pound him for the kill.
I win
5-1(advancing to finals)
Maria and mark duke it out for 3rd
and mark comes out 3rd and gets 3 boosters for his effort and get's an item
finder and a super energy removal and a pidgeotto. If i get second, i get 8 booster, if first, i get 11(one gym
The Supreme Alliance Vs. Steven with Haybreaker
In the blue corner, we have Bryan Le, he is a veteran player and is looking
forward to another championship today.
While in the Red Corner we have a newcomer, who is sure to be a good
challenge. A win here for him wouldn't look bad.
draw our cards after trash talking. He
sends out another Movie mewtwo, although it's his only basic. I hav out a hitmonlee, with a scyther
benched. Trust me, i know what i'm
doing. I go first, attach an energy and
pass. He benches a mime, attaches
energy to mewtwo and passes. i get
another comp search and now I have 2 searches in my hand . I play an energy and stretch kick mime. He attaches energy and passes. i draw a bill, just what i needed, and get 2
energy, attach one, and search for 2 pluspower, attach both of them, and hi
jump kick him for the kill. he brings
in mime, stunned by the loss of his mewtwo, and attaches energy and
passes. i draw another hitmonlee, bench
him, attach energy onto scyther and pass.
He passes. I draw a jigglypuff,
bench it, attach energy onto that. He
attaches energy to mr. mime and meditates me.
i draw my card, and eneryg, attach it to jigglypuff, retreat my
hitmonlee, send out my jigglypuff, pound...game...the championship is once
again mine.
I win
In my
boosters I get, a charizard, a alakzaam, eletabuzz,
In my
jungle I get, pinsir, pidgeot, wigglytuff
In fossil
I get dragonite, articuno, zapdos
my gym II pack I get rocket’s zapdos!!!
To Pojo for being the best
To all pokemon TCG players
To Pojo
To Pojo
To Pojo
To Scott Gerhardt just cuz’
To all the people who hate pokemon
To the pojo editors if I have to
much stuff on this report J
Bryan Le
Please send mail to
Until next time…